All-Girl Soul Band Pink Matter Are Super Busy Igniting Brisbane With Funky Girl Power

Pink Matter
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Pink Matter are a four-piece, all-girl band that aim to empower and captivate.

With funky grooves and quirky melodies (think Hiatus Kaiyote influences), the neo-soul/ pop group established themselves in 2016 and have their sights set on releasing their debut EP in the near future.

Tell us about the band… how did Pink Matter form?
[Pink Matter] Basically we kind of knew of each other around university until Kerry (vocals) brought us altogether for a rehearsal one day and *boom* Pink Matter was born.

You guys won the QUBE Effect People's Choice Award earlier this year; that must've been a very happy moment for the band?
It was pretty surreal to be honest, the QUBE Effect was filled with so many talented local artists we were pretty surprised to win.

Part of the QUBE win is a slot at Jungle Love Festival; you must be stoked with that outcome?
Yeah! Our first festival. The line-up is also insane. We’re pretty keen to play alongside Koi-Child and Sex On Toast; it’s just going to be a big ol' party.

A quick scan of your Facebook page, and you guys have been super busy past few months with a stack of Brisbane shows. The band really seems to be taking off right now; can you feel that momentum?
We’ve been super busy. Our aim was at least a gig a month, which basically turned into three, four gigs a month in April and has just kept going... it is really nice to feel the love from everyone.

Pink Matter have upcoming Brisbane shows in August at the Ekka, Brisbane Powerhouse and a support of Graham Moes at The Bearded Lady… how has the live aspect of the band progressed in the last six months?
That’s what we’re working on at the moment; every show we want you guys to have a good time and little dance. At this stage we’re focussing on getting tighter and groovier, and hopefully want to bring in some cool, electronic stuff.

Best moment you've had on stage performing so far?
We played a show at The Foundry and there was a really fun guy in the front who brought along his own egg shaker. The was pretty funny.

Are there plans to take the show interstate?
Absolutely, but first we’re going to release some music.

Speaking of which; your Facebook page mentions the band is keen to release an EP; what is the plan with a studio release?
We just spent some time in the studio working on some things, but obviously we want it to be super-duper finished so you’ll probably hear some stuff from us early next year.

How is the band feeling about the rest of 2017 and beyond?
Pretty keen and excited. We’re going to slow down with the shows and write some more tunes before the end of the year. We’ve got a few exciting gigs coming up, so make sure you come along before we take a little hiatus.

Pink Matter Shows

Sat 19 Aug - The Ekka (Brisbane)
Sun 20 Aug - Brisbane Powerhouse
Thu 24 Aug - The Bearded Lady (Brisbane)
30 Nov-2 Dec - Jungle Love Festival (Sunshine Coast)

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