Agent Orange Are Still Making Noise

Senior Writer.
A seasoned all-rounder music writer and storyteller with a specialised interest in the history of rock.

Formed in 1979, Agent Orange were one of the first bands to blend surf music with the frenetic energy of punk rock and are credited with creating the definitive sound of Orange County, California.

Thirty-five years later and the band is still going strong under the leadership of founding guitarist and vocalist, Mike Palm. With a national Australian tour planned for this summer, Mike is excited to return to our shores.

What are your memories of California in the late 1970s in terms of music and youth culture?
It was an exciting time, for sure. Everything was new and untested. That's when all the trails were blazed, but it wasn't easy. People tend to forget that it was like fighting a musical war. The punk movement was a backlash against the well-established rock & roll hierarchy, and many reacted violently. It was pretty much us versus everyone, but it was a cause worth fighting for.

How did the idea to blend surf music with punk initially come about?
Surf music was [and is] pretty much Southern California's folk music. My brother worked in the Fender guitar factory in Fullerton and my cousin played bass in the Original Surfaris. When the original surf scene exploded, it was a youth movement. Many who picked up a guitar had little experience or ability, but it didn't matter.

It was all about the tone and energy. It wasn't difficult for me to see the parallels between the two genres when it was my turn. Also, one of the drawbacks of being a trio was the fact that I would be stuck behind a microphone. I immediately saw the advantage of playing instrumentals as an opportunity to get away from the mic and jump around a bit!

What’s your opinion on the current state of punk rock, and how do modern bands compare to punk acts of yesteryear?
I think it's inevitable that any musical form will progress and become more technically proficient, but punk by definition should be loud and rude and abrasive. I for one still love to see a band fall apart onstage! Also, the genre has become more and more accepted to the point of becoming mainstream. I think some of the new bands could use a little scuffing up.

How are you guys feeling ahead of the upcoming Australian tour?
It's been a long time, so I am really looking forward to seeing heaps of old friends from back in the day. Perry and Dave have never been, so they are frothing. It's one of my favourite places in the world, and I've missed it so much. I hope this will be the start of a new era, and we can get back to the plan of touring there on a regular basis.

What can fans expect when you hit the stage down here?
It's no secret that this band has been around a long time, and it's more important than ever to show that we can still perform with the same power and energy that we had in the early days. It's still about having fun, and we are hell bent on making sure that remains our number one priority. It's contagious!

You’ll be here smack-bang in the middle of traditional stinking-hot Aussie summer; how will you be keeping cool?
Well, don't forget we are just coming out of our stinking-hot season here in California. So yeah, same drill. Try to get wet as much as possible, and make sure there will be a steady supply of delicious ice-cold beverages.

Will you have any spare time to hit the beaches or hang with the locals?
I hope so! It looks like we will be staying fairly busy this time, but if we have the opportunity you know we will take it. I would love to go for a skate with my friends from Brisbane, and there are so many surf spots I would like to hit. I was hoping to stay on for a few days after the tour, but we now have commitments back home (NorCaL tour dates in January). I will just be stoked to re-establish ourselves, and hopefully plan a longer stay next time.

How did the band respond to the passing of long-time bassist, James Levesque in 2014?
James had serious problems for a long time, so his death didn't come as a shock. Unfortunately, we parted ways on bad terms and any contact we had over the years was never positive.

Do you have any plans to release new material?
There will be new releases in 2016.

Is there anything you’d like to tell your Aussie fans ahead of the tour?
Thank you to everyone who helped us out and came to the shows so many years ago. I hope all of our old friends and fans can come see us this time around, and to anyone who didn't catch us back in the day, let's get together and have a good time! Keep the scene alive in AU!

Agent Orange Tour Dates

Wed 30 Dec - Enigma (Adelaide)
Thu 31 Dec - The Bendigo Hotel (Melbourne)
Fri 1 Jan - Amplifier (Perth)
Sat 2 Jan - Crowbar (Brisbane)
Sun 3 Jan - Factory Floor (Sydney)

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