After An 8-Year Absence Bluejuice Are Back With New Music

Bluejuice are back with new music for the first time since 2014.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Indie legends, Bluejuice haven't been sighted since they released and toured their last album, the compilation 'Retrospectable' in 2014, before promptly retiring from the game.

However, the lively, spirited Sydney outfit are once again primed to share their 'goofy, funky, soul-tinged rock' with the band 'hiring' 50 archivists working in a bunker beneath the Norwegian permafrost to 'ensure that Bluejuice's legacy survived the inevitable heat death of the universe'.

That foresight has led to the band to discovere six previously unreleased tracks that they have gathered together on a new EP 'Jelly', which drops 25 November.

To satiate the ardent thirst for new Bluejuice music that this news will no doubt create, the band have drip-fed the first single today, 'Movies'.

The band also plan to release their 2011 studio album 'Company' (featuring 'Act Yr Age') on vinyl for the first time (11 November).

"In 2015, Bluejuice hired 50 archivists and sent them to work in a bunker buried beneath the Norwegian permafrost," shares the band.

"Their job was to ensure that Bluejuice's legacy survived the inevitable heat death of the universe, as well as to maintain healthy streaming revenues for the band's ancestors.

"This important mission has uncovered unreleased Bluejuice demo recordings that the team describe as, 'pretty good actually'.

"Today we release the first single, 'Movies', from the upcoming 'Jelly' EP. Recorded at Jake's trout farm during the band's 2014 drain-encircling period, 'Movies' packs a scrappy punch like the best of Bluejuice's work.

"We hope you like. Love Bluejuice x."

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