A New Beginning: Fear Factory's Nuclear Blast

Fear Factory
Senior Writer.
A seasoned all-rounder music writer and storyteller with a specialised interest in the history of rock.

Fans of industrial-metal gods Fear Factory have plenty to look forward to.

After signing to a new label the band is back in full production, working on their ninth studio album and gearing up for Soundwave 2015. Tentatively scheduled for release early next year, frontman Burton C. Bell says work on the new record is coming along nicely. “It’s going really well,” Burton says. “We have nine new tracks, we started recording vocals this past week and we’re working with Rhys Fulber in the studio, so we’re moving right along. These tracks are really good; they’re really strong, well-crafted songs. We’re going to keep with our metal-industrial vibe we’ve always had, but we’re hopefully writing better songs as we get older.”

Although currently untitled, Burton strongly hints the new album will continue the story of The Industrialist, the main character from their 2012 album of the same name. “I think we have an album title, but we’re sitting on it just to make sure we really know this is the one. I think it’s a strong album title and it’s going to be really great for the progression of the concept.”

While reluctant to give too much away, he does offer this rather cryptic clue. “Well, the last album we did was ‘The Industrialist’ and the main character of ‘The Industrialist’ was working towards to become [sic] more of something… and that’s where I’m going to leave it,” he teases with a laugh.

Fear Factory.2Fear Factory have found a new home at Nuclear Blast Records, a metal-focused label originating in Germany and home to some of the finest names in metal. “First of all, just being involved in Nuclear Blast, I’m really happy about it,” Burton says. “Nuclear Blast created a new United States department called NBE which is Nuclear Blast Entertainment, and running that is our old friend from Roadrunner, Monte Conner. Monte Conner signed, among others: Fear Factory, Type-O-Negative, Sepultura, Soulfly, Coal Chamber, Obituary, Machine Head, the list goes on and on.

“With the death of Roadrunner, Monte set out to create a new label to take place of what Roadrunner lost, and he’s working closely with Mark Palmer who was the head of Roadrunner in the UK. So we’re working with him again, so it’s like coming back to family you know very well, who will treat you well and Monte says he wants to do Fear Factory right this time.”

Apart from a new album, Fear Factory fans can look forward to the band’s long-awaited appearance on the Soundwave Festival line-up. “We’ve been asked to do Soundwave a couple of times but the timing has just never been right with our schedule — this time it’s just working out perfectly. So not only is the time right, but what a fucking excellent line-up that we’re playing with, oh my God! We couldn’t ask for a better year, I’m so fucking happy about it. I’m a fan of most of these bands we’re playing with [and] I just hope I have time to see all of them.

“We’re not sure of the set list yet, but when it comes to festivals, Fear Factory usual goes for the festival-type set list which is greatest hits, high-energy greatest hits … hopefully when we go on it’ll be somewhat dark, so we’ll keep the lights real dramatic and cinematic just to make it an interesting look.”

Signing with Nuclear Blast brings Fear Factory to where they rightfully belong: in a top-echelon catalogue of bands who helped pioneer and develop the heavy metal genre. Combined with the backing of a dedicated label, a new album on the horizon and an exciting upcoming touring season, Burton says he can’t help but feel confident and hopeful for the future of Fear Factory. “It gives me confidence and it gives me hope. Hope is a fool’s game, but fuck it. I’m a musician, what are you going to do?"

Fear Factory play Soundwave 2015.

Fear Factory Soundwave Dates 2015

21st Feb – Bonython Park (Adelaide)
22nd Feb – Flemington Racecourse (Melbourne)
28th Feb – Olympic Park (Sydney)
1st March – RNA Showgrounds (Brisbane)

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