7 Regurgitator Memories Shared By Glitoris

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

To mark the 25th anniversary (last November) of their 'UNIT' album, ('Polyester Girl' is 25!), Regurgitator will tour nationally beginning this weekend performing the record in all its pixelated density, along with an extended set of their hits across time.

The Gurge kickstarted the nostalgia feels with a massive home-town mini festival in Brisbane in March featuring a host of their favourite older and newer indie acts.

The upcoming run of shows visiting Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth will see Ben, Quan and Peter joined by DZ Deathrays, Custard (except Hobart), Butterfingers and Glitoris.

As the presser says: 'Code for rhymes. Products of time.'

Canberra experimental-confrontational punk rockers Glitoris are set to release their new 'Lickety Split' on Friday (12 May). Recorded with Anna Laverty (Courtney Barnett, Camp Cope), 'Lickety Split' is a celebration of sex workers and sex positivity that defies norms with a soundscape more akin to a theatrical number.

"The song is about sex positivity, and celebrating sex workers. The song captures the queerness of the band, the Gliterati and our community.

"The song was one of the first tracks written for our sophomore album and we had the title from the very beginning. 'Lickety Split' is a club full of fun and frivolity; every day is a lucky day and the strippers always get double bubble!"

Here, Glitoris reflect on their favourite memories of Regurgitator across their 30-plus years together.


The soundtrack to our 2018/ 2019. We think this is Regurgitator's best record – certainly their most underrated! 'Party Looks' and 'Light Me On Fire'! Amaze title track too! We knew all the words to all the songs by the end of the 'Life Support' tour.

Keven works out to this record. The dance and costume at the start. So weird and wonderful still makes me laugh.

2: Fortune Cookies

It took Keven a long time to figure out the connection between 'Kong Foo Sing' and the same brand of fortune cookies. That's ok though. She got there in the end.

Kong Foo Sing cookies

3: The Velvet Underground and Nico

We saw Regurgitator play this album live at Canberra Theatre and it was incredible. They performed the whole thing with Mindy Meng Wang on gu zheng and she added this whole next-level dimension to the record and their performance.

4: Satan's Rainbow

What is at the end of it? We don't know. What's at the beginning of it? Not sure about that either. They've been asking this question for 25 years and tbh we think it's time they gave us some answers.

5: Chocolate brownies

At the last show of the 'Life Support' tour we gave Regurgitator some chocolate brownies. It was a token of our appreciation as the tour was a blast and we'd learned so much from them.

Later on they sent these pix of themselves eating the brownies with chocolate all over their faces! We love Gurge and we're made up to be touring with them again.

6: Band In A Bubble

So fantastic to be able to watch the song-writing process. It was the start of the internet and reality TV so nothing like this had ever been done before. Albums were made behind closed doors in secret.

I loved when you would see people outside the bubble dressed up and dancing about like clowns trying to influence the process and desperately be written in a song. Very entertaining and interesting to watch an album come together.

7: 'Unit'

Opening track of unit, 'I Like Your Old Stuff Better Than Your New Stuff'; absolute boss move. 'Unit' was such a different sound to earlier stuff, more synthy sounds a lot less heavier.

You just knew fans that pigeonholed Gurge as an alternative rock band would be saying "I liked their old stuff better then their new stuff". So it was really clever narrative to the start one of the biggest iconic albums made for our generation.

Regurgitator's 'UNIT' 25th Anniversary 2023 Tour Dates

Fri 12 May - City Hall (Hobart)* selling fast
Sat 13 May - Forum Melbourne* sold out
Sun 14 May - Forum Melbourne
* selling fast
Sat 20 May - Roundhouse (Sydney)* selling fast
Sun 21 May - ANU Kambri (Canberra)*sold out
Sat 27 May - Thebarton Theatre (Adelaide)
Sun 28 May - Metropolis (Fremantle)* selling fast
Fri 2 Jun - Commonwealth Hotel (Townsville)* Custard only
Sat 3 Jun - Tanks Arts Centre (Cairns)* Custard only
Sat 10 Jun - HOTA (Gold Coast)* Custard only

Regurgitator's 'UNIT' 25th Anniversary 2023 Line-up

DZ Deathrays
Custard* except Hobart

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