6 Annoyasms With Melbourne Rockers She's The Driver

She's The Driver
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

She's The Driver – who feature former Violetine members Sean Miljoen and Steve Leicester – will launch their newest album, 'The Gone Club', with shows in Sydney and Melbourne.

Before the band head north, Sean shares five annoyasms (things that annoy with a touch of sarcasm).

1. Morning show hosts

With large, over made, unnaturally tanned heads, they present us the most horrible news through big smiles filled with over-whitened teeth, at a time of the morning when we all should be grumpy.

2. Anything pop-up

They may have ‘popped up’ at the start, but most of these places end up staying and they don’t change their name to ‘long term’ or ’12-month lease’ once they’ve milked their initial, surprise value.

3. The prefix ‘super’

Super foods, super rugby, we even had a super moon. Let’s face it, none of this shit is super. It’s always been here and we’re clutching at straws or ‘super clutching’ (as I like to call it) if we think it’s anything better than average.

4. Talent-based reality shows

Designed for every little boy and girl whose mum said ‘of course you’re special darling, you can achieve anything’, (that is until you go on telly, realise that you can’t, end up hating mum, then find solace in early addiction).

5. Lycra as acceptable day wear

Since when did cyclists who look like a condom full of walnuts or large ladies who look like there’s two wombats playing in the back of their trousers, think it’s ok to parade around like this? Very disturbing.

6. Anything ‘Top 5’

She’s The Driver play Waywards (Sydney) 9 June, St Kilda Bowling Club (Melbourne) 16 June and The Reverence Hotel (Melbourne, acoustic set) 17 June.

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