5 Trailblazing Women In Music To Inspire The Next-Gen Of Female Superstars Shared By Chelsea Wilson

Australian collective Women In Soul have released their sophomore album 'Feel Good'.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A collective of Australian female-identifying artists, Women Of Soul feature more than 30 creatives who have come together to record the group's sophomore album 'Feel Good'.

With contributions from the likes of Kylie Auldist, Stella Angelico, Thndo, Maria Moles, Monique diMattina, Vanessa Perica, Kathleen Halloran, Tamara Murphy and many more, 'Feel Good' features Chelsea Wilson as executive producer (who also doubles as the collective's Artistic Director) and Anna Laverty as producer and engineer.

Recorded at Sing Sing East and Tender Trap Studios, 'Feel Good' is not a compilation album. Rather, each song was deeply thought through and developed collaboratively with the songwriters, musicians, vocalists and production team.

"For a lot of artists in the collective, the last few years have been incredibly challenging professionally and also personally," shares Chelsea. "There has been family loss, divorces, births, unemployment, marriages and illness.

"So, the fact that amongst all of this, we managed to bring together over 30 creatives to make an album is no mean feat.

"I am really proud of the work, it stands together as a great album to listen to.

"I think some people will be surprised by the sounds; it is a more mellow and sophisticated sounding record than our first which I think shows the development of a lot of the artists musically over the last few years."

Currently in Australia, only 20 per cent of APRA AMCOS songwriter members are women or female-identifying, with only 15 per cent of annual royalties going to female writers.

Worldwide, less than 2 per cent of recording producers are women. The Women Of Soul record is significant and is one of the very few albums in Australia to be produced, composed, recorded and performed by an all-female team.

Here, Chelsea shares five trailblazing women who offer inspiration for the next-gen of female music superstars.

"When I think of 'trailblazers'," begins Chelsea, "I think of game-changers, change makers and creative leaders making positive contributions to our industry.

"These women not only produce incredible work, but simultaneously raise up others in the industry.

"I interviewed all these trailblazers on my podcast Control."

Deborah Cheetham

The ultimate trailblazer is Yorta Yorta polymath Deborah Cheetham AO – an incredible composer, virtuosic opera singer, CEO, artistic director, broadcaster and all-round boss.

When she wasn't cast in her dream opera roles, she flipped the script. Not only did she write and then star in her own original opera production 'Pecan Summer', she established her own opera company Short Black Opera creating employment opportunities, mentorships and touring pathways.

Deborah has changed the game for opera and classical music in this country and contributed some of the most important music in our history.

Sally Anne Gross

'Can Music Make You Sick' is a MUST READ book penned by UK industry expert and academic Sally Anne Gross.

Co-written with George Musgrave, her research breaks down the intersections of class, money, gender, age and race that impact the careers of artists.

Especially in these times, it is more important than ever that we understand how systemic barriers and issues within our music culture can affect and destroy the mental health of our artists. Without musicians, there is no music. This book is an essential contribution to this much needed conversation.

Vicki Gordon

Producer, CEO and founder of the Australian Women in Music Awards (AWMAs), Vicki has fearlessly created stages and spaces that celebrate and highlight the achievements of women in our industry.

In the spirit of Marian Wright Edelman's famous quote: 'You can't be what you can't see,' Vicki has raised up female creatives through the AWMAs giving us role models, recognition, and an annual moment for revelry.

Maria Amato

CEO, accountant and boss, Maria pioneered the AIR Women in Music Mentorship Program which has created much needed connections, employment, and professional development opportunities for hundreds of female creatives across the country.

Her initiatives through AIR have created international pathways for indie labels, getting Australian music abroad. She is also Chair of the Worldwide Independent Network, their first female chair, and the first from the Southern hemisphere.

Catherine Haridy

Whip-smart, knowledgeable, and generous with her expertise, I was fortunate to work with Cath on the Music Victoria Board.

Business owner, artist manager, mum, and CEO, she is a calm, cool and collected powerhouse changing the Australian music industry through her advocacy work and her role leading the Australian Music Centre.

As an artist manager, former A&R director and former Director of the Australian Artists Managers Association, she always centres the artist in the conversation and has an unwavering vision for a progressive and inclusive industry.

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