With their latest single, 'Walk A Line', released in early February, 2015 has turned local and international eyes towards Melbourne four-piece Them Bruins.
After big love from Triple J for their previous singles 'Black Widow' and 'Outrun The Future,' the quartet have piled up a stack of airplay on both Californian and Netherlands radio and have been given props from prominent Toronto blogger Alan Cross.
It's only a matter of time before the lads cross the fine line between emerging artists and established industry names. But even superstar musicians still need to eat when touring; we think Them Bruins have cultivated a nutritious list of meals fit for everyone.
“Any band that has rehearsed long enough or travelled far enough together can relate to the intimate bond forged when a group of friends [hopefully friends... unless your an Axl Rose type and you employ your bandmates/friends] break bread together,” Jimmy Bruin says.
“If you're lucky, everyone in your band will fucking love Mexican food, and if that's the case, does your band/ group of friends need another bass player? Alternatively, you may find that you won't always agree on what will best fuel your rock & roll hi-jinxs, and usually these asinine and hungry debates can lead to some of the funniest stories and shit you'll ever know about your best buddies."

Not Applicable
It's passed into Them Bruins folklore that Joel has never enjoyed a single meal. Ever. This may be due to the fact that his ever frantic and wandering mind is subconsciously conspiring against him. His brain, pumping away like rabbit in heat, is often trying to think of the most exotic and inappropriate cuisine to match his situation. As a result, our hero finds himself constantly disappointed by his over-fertile imagination. Jimmy Bruin was also stung by Joel's persuasive talents when he recently agreed to an extremely hearty, roast-beef sandwich and double-shot latte for breakfast; took a while to conquer that one, as Timmy would say.NOTE: despite his recurrent misadventures, Joel frequently boasts that after a recent trip to Thailand, his digestion is now second to none.
Burrito Of Disappointment
Jimmy Bruin is the proud owner of what has been recently discovered and now scientifically referred to as a 'burrito stomach'; the mechanics of which are much like the concept of the fabled desert stomach. "I've always got room for a burrito" can often be heard among the rabble when food is on the agenda. The regular Mad Mex beef burrito is the chow of choice due to its perfect size and superior construction. The constant variance in flavours and temperature between the salad and meat components makes each burrito its own, little, food journey. Unfortunately again, young Jimmy rarely gets to indulge his gastric gift in the group scenario because Ben Bruin had a shit one once and doesn't like them anymore. Bloody sook.Wedge Sesh
Chief navigator of the group, and arguably the most efficient and quick to assess the 'situation', Timmy 'Wedge Sesh!' Bruin never fails to point out someone's newest item of clothing ("Oooh righto Jimmy, new socks mate?"). Timmy rarely passes up the opportunity for a solid pre-gig wedge sesh. The much loved arrangement typically consisting of a piping hot pile of potato wedges, the obligatory sour cream and sweet chilli sauce plus one beer from his pre gig, two-beer allowance.Parma
According to Woody, the only thing worse than a bad chicken parma (a dish that any amateur cook would have to try damn hard to fuck up) is parma envy. The parma is the nationally recognised 'safe bet' on any Australian menu, and choosing to forgo the pub favourite for something more exotic (a choice Joel never fails to exercise) like a stodgy pasta carbonara, leaves one vulnerable not only to certain disappointment but having to deal with the debilitating jealousy involved with watching one's bandmate destroy a crispy, 12" wide, chicken tit wrapped in ham and smothered in rich, tomato sauce and melted cheese. Parma envy is even mentioned in the dictionary when defining the word 'excruciating'. The moral here is, never turn down a parma, unless no one else in your company is eating one either. Afterwards, Ben is always partial to the post-gig pizza by the slice. Perfect for soaking up the surplus booze and adrenalin pounding through one's system after a rowdy show.Beer and M&Ms
Widely questioned and confronted with a WTF? this unorthodox combo needs to be sampled to be understood. First introduced to the band by Jimmy, stating: "I dunno man, it just works" it quickly became the staple snack of choice while travelling, rehearsing or recording. It's loosely believed that some of its success is due to the savoury nature of beer and the sweetness of the candy giving the illusion of a well-rounded meal; in reality it doesn’t fill the stomach with anything of actual substance thus leaving plenty of room for actual food later on. The variety of beer doesn't seem to matter as long as the candy-covered confectionery remains rooted to the original trilogy (chocolate, peanut or crunchy) For best results, try Melbourne Bitter with plain chocolate M&Ms, and we almost guarantee you probably won't be disappointed.“There you have it. If you really want to get to know someone, go masticate with them. Then maybe read that last line twice and consult Google if necessary.”
Them Bruins Tour Dates
Sat May 2 - Trainspotters at Grand Central Hotel (Brisbane)Sun May 3 - Broadbeach Tavern (Gold Coast)