5 Tips For A Strong Relationship Shared By Broken Waves

Broken Waves are an indie rock band from Adelaide.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Formed in 2020, Broken Waves are a five-piece indie rock band from Adelaide comprising Ben, Will, Amber, Declan & Heath.

Inspired by groove-oriented rhythms and indie-funk guitar riffs, Broken Waves' newest release is titled 'The Divide' – a song that explores one-sided love. It also finds the band finding their 'funk voice' for the first time.

"After a few years of exploring ideas and experimenting with our sound, it feels like we've really hit our stride and found our voice as a band," shares Broken Waves.

"We've always seen ourselves as a groove-oriented band, but 'The Divide' has been an important step in our development. It is the first song we've written that displays our funk influences while sounding like an original take on those styles.

"It explores the experience of being in love with someone whose life circumstances are causing them to push you away and trying to be there for them in any way you can."

'The Divide' is the carefully crafted result of the band going with their gut, not overthinking sections, and working to nail down the core of what they needed to say.

"The writing process for this song was easily the freest and unburdened we've had yet; every member of the band contributed equally, and we all had a shared vision of the direction we wanted to take," Broken Waves says.

"We've always made a habit of rewriting all our songs from scratch multiple times and this one was no different, but this time we focused on speeding up that process as much as possible.

"Every session was a free-for-all as ideas, parts and even entire sections were scrapped or repurposed to find the core of what we wanted to say. We've become much more comfortable letting our ideas speak for themselves without over complication."

Broken Waves will launch 'The Divide' with a home-town show to kickstart their 2023 campaign.

"We're very excited to be playing at Jive for our single launch next year. Typically, a single launch isn't so far after the initial release, however, not only do we not want any of our fans to miss out during the festive season but want to start 2023 with a bang. There's much more to come next year from Broken Waves."

Here, each member of Broken Waves shares their own tip to cultivating a strong relationship.

Ben: "It is important to accept your partner and your relationship for who they are and what it is. It is easy to get tricked into thinking the 'honeymoon' phase is what the relationship will always be like; for some people it is, but always be accepting of change."

Will: "I think the key to a good relationship is being able to give a good massage. I always like to play some music in the background as well. Why not put on 'The Divide'. Nothing is more relaxing than a song about relationship struggles. ;)"

Dec: "I think one important tip is to not be afraid of having a disagreement; if both parties are more comfortable disagreeing with one another this may help stop common disagreements turn into arguments."

Amber: "A partnership should always be equal. No one is more important than the other. See your partner as your equal."

Heath: "Be the first to pass wind in front of the other. Just swallow your pride and do it, your partner will thank you."

Broken Waves play Jive Bar (Adelaide) 14 January.

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