5 Things Caravana Sun Are Excited About For Their Australian Tour

Caravana Sun's newest album is titled 'Burning Palms'.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A band built for the road being regular travellers throughout Australia since their inception as well as touring Europe/ the UK most years (where they've performed 300-plus shows between between 2011-2020), the pandemic adversely affected indie rockers Caravana Sun and their normal way of life.

Forced like the rest of us into isolation and constant uncertainty about the future, Caravana Sun decided to make the most of their 'free' time by writing a bunch of new material.

When it was time to record the songs for an album, the band returned to their roots finding appreciation in nature as it was recorded in a secluded space deep in the heart of the Blue Mountains.

Titled 'Burning Palms', the album was produced by the band and mixed by Andy Lawson (Death By Denim, Eskimo Joe, End Of Fashion, Little Birdy) at Debaser Studio (Perth); with additional mixing and engineering by Ian Pritchett at Laketree Mountain Studios (Blue Mountains).

"With many different influences, we ended up with a collection of songs that was truly necessary for us to write, given the pandemic," the band says.

"It was a truly cathartic and important record for us and saw the four of us as artists grow and redefine the creative cogs that turn Caravãna Sun behind the scenes.

"All of these songs were driven in such a way that meant we could play them live."

Speaking of live music, Caravana Sun have already enjoyed a return to the stage in 2022 that included an appearance at Bluesfest as well as heading back to Europe and the UK for a two-month run in June-July.

Now they're itching to get back on the road with upcoming shows in Sydney, Melbourne, Wollongong, Fremantle and Broome.

They've also curated their very own festival on the Sunshine Coast, the inaugural Summer Escape Festival in early September. "Our faith in live music and artists drove us to putting on Summer Escape Fest," Ant Beard says.

"Over the past two years, we felt the magnitude of what people being together, singing and dancing really means to us.

"We knew we had to create something aside from our band that would represent and authentically serve the communities that have truly been the lifeblood of Caravãna Sun for over ten years.

"We've put together our favourite bands on one stage to truly celebrate live music to an all ages crowd.

"Summer Escape Fest truly embodies that inspiring awe that leaves all music loving Australians proud to come together and celebrate, with some big euphoric sing-alongs and infectious dance moves."

Ant is so keen to return to the road, he's shared a listicle of five things he's most looking forward to once the band are back in the tour van traipsing around Australia. Bless.

1: Banh Mi

Without a doubt, the one thing we've missed most about touring around Australia; fuelling Caravãna Sun since day dot, we're REALLY looking forward to filling our bellies with the best that is, banh mi xx.

2: Australian Power Boards

With the amount of border crossing we've done in the past nine weeks, the ability to just plug in your portable face shaver is one we have taken for granted.

No more squeezing those cheap little plastic adaptors into the wall, basically creating a fire hazard! Yep, bring me those sweet, three-prong power adaptors.

3: Talking between songs

While I can put on a great European/ German/ English accent, I can't hear or see another Instagram video of me talking to the crowd again.

I know it helps with understanding, but it's just bruising for my ego. Really bringing me back to earth tbh. Just some plain old: "Broome, HOW YA FEELIN?" will do me.

4: Flat white

I really tried to not write this one out of coffee snobbery but sh.t damn, I'm really looking forward to some beautiful bearded and tattooed baristas to make me just your standard flat white. Little things I tell ya!

5: The Ocean

It wasn't until we made it to Portugal and swam in the Atlantic Ocean, did we realise how much we missed being near the ocean. Growing up in Australia, I feel the water is somewhat in everyone's DNA. For sure that's the case for all of us.

Caravana Sun 2022 Tour Dates

Sat 27 Aug - The Factory Theatre (Sydney)
Sat 3 Sep - Summer Escape Festival @ NightQuarter (Sunshine Coast)
Sat 10 Sep - Howler (Melbourne)
Sat 17 Sep - Spin Fest (Wollongong)
Fri 7 Oct - Gage Road (Fremantle)
Fri 14 Oct - Roebuck Bay Hotel (Broome)

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