5 Things AViVA Wants People To BRN (Burn)

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With 25 million streams across all platforms, emo-pop artist AViVA (who splits her time between Sydney and LA) returns with her newest single, 'BRN'.

'BRN' is AViVA's battle cry and its visceral hook: 'burn, burn, burn, in the fire' is a throwback to the image of witch burnings.

"I'm sick of people being 'burnt' today for being themselves - for not fitting in the boxes everyone tells us to be in. This is my f$%^ you to anyone who dares to put me in a box," AViVA says.

"'BRN', to me, is a song about standing with your back straight and daring anyone to defy you or question you because you're untouchable."

After recent performances at Groovin The Moo Canberra and the national support for Tonight Alive, AViVA shares 5 things she wants you to burn.

1. Self-doubt

This is so hard to ignore. That niggling feeling in the back of your head, the criticism that no one else has said and no one else believes. I want people to stop falling down the rabbit hole of self-doubt and step up as the warrior of their own light and life.

2. Guilt

Social conditioning occurs from the moment we are able to understand communication from our parents. People get so caught up in trying to please others they forget - you can't help anyone if you can't help yourself.

I want people to remember that you don't owe people things. Anyone who makes you feel that way doesn't care about you like they should.

3. Judgement

Of self. Of others. It's so important for people to remember that if you're fixating on the negatives your preventing positive energy from finding its way into your life.

I want people to open their hearts to the 'other' people, the 'outsiders' and realise that we're all outsiders and because of that we all need to learn to live non-judgementally.

4. Comparing themselves

You are enough. Again social conditioning, especially in this age of instant social media women and men are bombarded with images of the 'right way' and the 'perfect life'. The grass is never greener on the other side because the light is alway changing.

It's great to use external things as a means to check personal progress and get inspiration. When it starts making you change who you are and what you like, that's a problem.


Or 'fear of missing out' is a modern expression. It's almost an extension of comparison, it's a poison that means people do things because they don't want to miss something or be left out. Sometimes people are even made to feel bad for not going.

I wish people were just confident enough to do their own thing. Want to go? Go. Don't want to go? Don't go. See, how easy was that?

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