Fair Maiden is the moniker of Adelaide-born musician Ellen Carey.
Fair Maiden has operated in various permutations for almost a decade. It's a project of doo-wop chamber pop and freakish folk songs.
The revolving band line-up currently includes Stephanie Crase (Summer Flake, The Skids), Harriet Fraser-Barbour (Workhorse, Wireheads, Theta) and Hamish Baird (Workhorse), adding opulent layers of harmonies and providing the perfect musical adornment for Ellen's stunning dark nostalgic songs.
Ahead of Fair Maiden's appearance tomorrow (27 July) on the scenestr stage at Scouted 2018 in Adelaide, Ellen shares 5 insects she find sexy. Because, why not.
1. The Praying Mantis
In our opinion, the praying mantis is one of the sexiest insects on our list. This femme fatale not only has great vision and is a master of disguise, but these sexy alien-looking she-devils are the queens of cannibal copulation.Once inseminated, the female requires ample feed to nourish the large amount of eggs that she will lay, and what is richer in vitamins and fibre than her lover's head? That's right, after three hours of fornication, the female then bites off the poor dude's head and eats it like an after-dinner mint. SEXY.
2. The Plant Hopper
Plant hoppers are known for their incredible camouflage abilities among different types of foliage; there are more than 12,500 species of plant hoppers worldwide, blah blah blah - would you just LOOK at this guy's nose thingy. HOT.
3. The Water Strider
This long-legged pond skater made it to #3 on our list not only for their leggy physique and ability to walk on water, but for the way in which some (not all) males go about finding a mate.In an insect world where violent and weird copulation is the norm, research has found that female water striders respond better to partners who aren't sexually aggressive. Being a nice strider and not a hopped-up, testosterone-ridden violent bug freak will give you the advantage and the reward is a sexy lady strider and the chance to pump on water. That my friends, is very sexy.
4. The Moth
While they may lack the overt eroticism of a praying mantis, there's something undeniably alluring about the often overlooked moth. Their sexiness is of a more understated kind, exhibiting a quiet confidence and dusty disposition.Their revolting patterns and inability to understand personal space, small brain mass and range in size is enough to get some (not all) members of Fair Maiden excited by the sexiness. Note: I am repulsed by moths and was forced against my will to add this to the sexy list.
Fair Maiden
5. The Queen Bee
Last but not least, we're ending with what we believe might be the sexiest insect of them all, the queen bee. Not only does she have thousands of worker bees at her control to nurse offspring and safeguard her empire, she has a formation of drones that exist solely for procreation.The Queen is one, powerful monarch who can copulate with multiple male bees (hot), and after insemination the drone's genitals are ripped from their body resulting in a passionate demise. What could possibly be sexier?
Fair Maiden play Scouted 2018 on the scenestr stage at West Oak Hotel (Adelaide) 27 July. A limited edition split 7" vinyl between Mod Con and Fair Maiden is available via Poison City Records.