After been nominated in the electronic music category at the recent SAM Awards, South Australian singer-songwriter Harli has released her next single 'Wrecking' ahead of an EP release in the new year.
Here, Harli shares 5 retro trends that NEED to make a comeback in 2019.
1. Rollerblading & shoes with wheels
Because wheels on shoes is the fastest form of transport and that’s how we will outsmart Uber.2. Butterfly clips with matching jelly shoes
Sabrina The Teenage Witch – need I say more?!
3. Tamagotchi
Having a digital object that depends on you that doesn’t revolve around how many followers you have, but still gives you something to do on the train or while dining alone.4. Breakdance fighting
Because in a country that still has such a high violence crime rate, let’s counter it with making violence cool – and burn calories while you're at it.5. Tazos
How to make new friends and be happy that you’ve eaten a bag of chips by yourself (and then you can have a Tazos breakdance battle).