5 Possible Top 5s With Drown This Fury

Drown This Fury
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

“When we were asked to write a top 5 article, we found it surprisingly difficult.

So many things we could write about; we tried to think of the best way to have our band's personality on show through the things we write about. But how do we choose? Just like our music, we jammed them all into one and now we have the 'Top 5 Possible Top 5s'. They will all be labelled number one, because, once again, we couldn’t just pick one.”

1. 5 Simpsons 'In-Jokes'.

Oh, there are far too many times in life where you find yourself with you friends and the only way to describe the situation is with a good ol’ Simpsons quote. “What do you mean the bank is out of money?” “I choo choo choose you.” “Yvan eht nioj.” Even if they didn’t make any sense, you all laughed.

1. 5 chilli sauces.

Now, you can’t have a band practice without a post-practice feed, and you can’t have a post-practice feed without potato gems and chilli sauce.
But, once again, how do you pick the best chilli sauce? They are all amazing! Sriracha? Bondi Bay Chilli Co.? Nandos?

1. 5 drinking games.

Beer pong is great, but only at the start of the night; it starts to take too long after a while. We’ve all done too many things we don’t want to drink to. 'How I Met Your Mother' Swarley episode? Now that is where it's at! Twenty-two minutes of quality television will get your night started (and maybe ended).

1. 5 things that should exist but don’t.

We like to get creative here at camp DTF; we invent things, engineer broken things. But most of all, we like to think about what could have been but isn’t (yet). Where’s my hoverboard? Time machine? Pre-mixed tea-bag flavours? Trambopoline?

1. 5 things that can go wrong before an EP launch.

Now this one hits very close to home for us. Just about anything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Bands can’t play the show, venue changes your booking, CD printing delays. They all suck, and they all happen. It can’t be helped.

Drown This Fury play The Producers Hotel (Adel) 7 August and Laundry Bar (Melb) 3 September. Their EP, 'Creatures', is available now.

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