5 Lines Of Beauty With Karl S Williams

Karl S. Williams
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Karl S. Williams grew up in a nowhere, rural river town and somewhere between the flooded cane fields and deep forests, he came to identify with the music of the southern United States.

His sound is strongly influenced by the blues of the Mississippi Delta and swampy soul. Before a string of east-coast shows including showcases at BIGSOUND, he shares five lines of beauty.

1. Khalil Gibran

“The deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” On 'Joy & Sorrow' from 'The Prophet'.

2. Pablo Neruda

“I want / To do to you, what spring does with the cherry trees.” 'Every Day You Play' from 'Twenty Love Poems And A Song of Despair'.

3. Leonard Cohen

“You go your way / And I'll go your way too.” 'The Sweetest Little Song' from 'The Book of Longing'.

4. Matsuo Basho

“There is nothing you can see that is not a flower / There is nothing you can think that is not the moon.” 'On Flowers & Moons' from 'Haiku'.

5. Federico Garcia Lorca

“Like a snake, my heart / Has shed its skin / I hold it there in my hand / Full of honey and wounds.” 'New Heart' from 'Book Of Poems'.

Karl S Williams plays The Bearded Lady (Brisbane) 14 September; he also showcases at BIGSOUND (Brisbane) 5, 6 September.

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