A music career that first began as an opera singer as well as a bagpipes teacher, Melbourne roots-rock singer-songwriter Gretta Ziller recently released her second studio album titled 'Judas Tree'.
The follow-up to her 2017 debut release 'Queen Of Boomtown', which was long-listed for the Australian Music Prize, 'Judas Tree' features the singles 'Unlikely Believer' and 'Stockholm', the ethereal opener ‘5,4,3,2,1’ and undeniably catchy 'Damage Done'."I am absolutely thrilled to be releasing my second album 'Judas Tree'," Gretta says. "It's been a long and weird 18 months, but I'm so glad to finally be putting out the music and I can't wait to get back to playing music live and sharing these songs with everyone."
The album finds Ziller ranging far and wide over the sonic landscape, pushing her uniquely expressive voice, kaleidoscopic sound, and deft songwriting skills to dizzying new heights.
"What an amazing few days it's been since the release of 'Judas Tree'. The support you have shown has just been overwhelming. My heart is filled with all the joy. . . all of it!"
With a Melbourne launch show planned for early November (c'mon COVID/ Delta, it's time to let the musicians return to the stage), Gretta shares some knowledge about her burgeoning hobby growing indoor plants.
"My Mother was an avid gardener, growing up our gardens (yes plural, she had many!) were magnificent: roses and hedges, annuals, perennials and veggies galore; she even had an orchard of ye olde' varieties of apple trees so we had apples for all occasions and most of the year.
"My sister is touched with a green thumb; not only is she a farmer but she also has an amazing garden. She even has a tennis court she has converted to a veggie lover's paradise.
"Me. . . my thumb is a little less green but I can grow an indoor plant like nobody's business! The trick to indoor plants is to find the right spot for the plant then proceed to not care about him too much!
"Here are my top five plants that 'love to live', which is a nice way of saying hard to kill."
1: Spider Plant
This guy was gifted to me by someone who 'stole' a cutting from Newmarket Studios; they loves to live and requires very little remembering to water.
2: Polka Dot Bergonia
Loves light. If you have a spot in your house that gets light get yourself a little Bergonia, water him once a week and your little guy will love you and love life.
3: Peace Lily
You can put pretty much place these guys anywhere in your house, as long as there is light. The cool thing about Peace Lilies is they will tell you when they need watering. If you see their leaves drooping – water him!The other plants that will do that are the ctenanthe marantifolium (Golden Mosaic) – his leaves will roll up when he's dry. If you have a warm sun room this is the plant for you.

4: Zanzibar Gem
Not only does this guy have a fun name, he's near impossible to kill. They have these plants in Chadstone Shopping Centre and they thrive. If it can survive living there and I can barely survive a trip there, he's worth getting.
5: The Pilea Peperomioides
Also known as the Chinese Money Tree Plant, this little fella is as cute as a button and hardy. Give him sun, give him a drink once a week and in return he will give you babies, so many babies that you'll start giving them to your friends so you can subtly lord your gardening prowess over them. . . till they give you a bonsai that you will kill within a week (which I did!).Ooh also, if you have a pesky cat that decides your plants are better places to poop than their litter boxes try strips of tin foil on the dirt. No one wants to poop on tin foil!

Catch Gretta Ziller live when she launches 'Judas Tree' at Thornbury Theatre (Melbourne) 5 November.