5 Hangover Cures You Can Trial As Suggested By Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets new single is titled 'Mr Prism'.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Grunge, psych-rock lords, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets have channelled the best '70s versions of themselves on their chuggin'-good new belter 'Mr Prism' – their first offering of 2020.

It's like PPC have added an acid-wash rinse to their bell-bottom jeans, paired with button-down shirts, curly, bouncy hair and aviator sunnies! Try and stop yourself from dancing around the kitchen; hint: you won't be able to.

The bulk of the songwriting took place at songwriter Jack McEwan's home in WA, with drums being laid down at Perth's Tone City Studios, before landing with Michael Jelinek and Brian Lucey.

For McEwan, the song was born out of the feverish haze only illness and a crazy tour schedule can bring. "After our last tour of Europe I had a plethora of reasons to see a doctor.

"First, he thought I had tonsillitis, so prescribed me penicillin, which didn't help at all. I did Falls Festival over New Year's and barely got through – turns out I had pneumonia.

"I was pushing through on all sorts of meds until someone offered me the HMS Hunter.S alternative and I realised no matter how sick I'd ever be, I could never turn one down. Mr. Prism (my sickly fun-fuelled fiend of an alter-ego) was born."

Given that story, seems obvious that Jack can prescribe a few alternative hangover cures. Proceed ahead at your own caution as Mr McEwan lists five fully-tested cures you can trial the next time the occasion arises.

"Most Sunday mornings are pretty painful. There's obviously the medicated approach but we're going old school, Panadol's cheating."

1: The sloth

I've found if you smash about two litres of water (one before bed, one when you wake up) and then fall asleep in the sun you'll wake up pretty refreshed – good bit of H20 and natural vitamins to boost your immune system works a treat.

I was in Ireland once for my uncle's wedding and a lovely old lady made us this incredible soup with loads of ginger, garlic, lemongrass and chicken stock that sorted me right up.

Most of the time we're not fortunate enough to wake up with a little Irish Queen making soup for us, so try the sun. Obviously if there's no sun where you are, then disregard number one.

2: Hair of the Dog

Now this one is for true gamers. It's gunna be difficult to stomach and I wouldn't recommend a straight beer 'cause that'll be hard to get through.

Best way is to make yourself a strong Bloody Mary and get back on the horse. This is my favourite approach. It's worked on every tour we've been on so far.

3: Give yourself a task

Most of the time you're feeling sh.t because you've got nothing to do; that always drags on for ages when you just lay in bed and watch movies.

Best bet is to do some washing to take your mind off the amount of thuds your head is producing per minute. Painting or drawing helps also helps, or playing guitar really slowly until you sound like Kurt on 'Something In The Way'.

Reading hurts my head more; you don't wanna be processing a lot of information rather expelling it into various art forms. I've written most of the Crumpets stuff while I was sick or hungover – put it to good use!

4: The Drill Sergeant

Now this one is severe and I've personally never tried it, but a few of my friends are adamant it works. Basically you have to sweat it out. Get on the exercise bike or treadmill and fight your way back to health.

I understand the principle of it, but there's not a single fibre in my body that could make me do that. So maybe a bad example, but if you're game enough then let me know how it goes.

5: The Tac-yak

Works 100 per cent of the time.

Two fingers straight down the back of your throat, give your tonsils a good tickling and feel your eyeballs dangle from there sockets.

Works best if you smash a pint of water before incase you're running on empty, and never in the sink 'cause you'll be picking carrots out of your newly decorated, Jackson Pollock-esque drainpipe.

I recommend having a tea after; ginger and lemongrass usually settles the belly.

"If you're still hanging after trying any of these then maybe consult a real doctor," signs off Jack. Solid advice.

With COVID-19 restrictions easing in Western Australia, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets have arranged three live shows in September; details below. Tickets go on sale from 7 August.

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets 2020 Tour Dates

Fri 11 Sep - Prince Of Wales (Bunbury)
Sat 12 Sep - Settlers Tavern (Margaret River)
Fri 18 Sep - Badlands Bar (Perth)

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