Sydney-based artist Nathan Cavaleri has launched new song '29 Gold Stars' into the world, as well as a list of tour dates.
'29 Gold Stars' channels Prince and J.J. Cale, shining a light on Nathan's ability to shape songs.
Nathan says he was inspired by the relationship between desire and shame when he wrote the song. Naturally, then, he's decided to list a few of his guilty pleasures for us.
1: Lawns
Maybe it’s because I grew up in the burbs of south-west Sydney with neighbours that took more care of their lawns than their own kids, but a yard carpeted with a lush green couch makes my strings vibrate. Yesterday, I almost ran through a red light having a mad patch perve. The fake sh.t is blasphemous and I’m always fighting with my half-wog self – concrete or turf.2: Jeremy Jordan’s 'The Right Kind Of Love'
Classic '80s pop production strutting with boy-band attitude. Ascending lead line with descending harmonies gives me mad sideways stink face as the days of '90210', Keppers and Reebok pumps play on my internal VHS player. I wore Reebok pumps because kids got 'rolled' for Air Jordans. Are the lyrics vague and cliche? Or are lyrics like that cliche because of songs like that? Either way, I’d do a version of this song if they weren’t so mushy.3: Pancakes
Education unfortunately corrupted my taste buds against good ol’ fashion pancakes made with gluten, and cow boob juice. These days, Jessica Sepel’s GF/DF mix and match pancake recipe is a weekly staple in the Cavaleri house. Our personal fave focuses on oats, mashed banana, choc protein powder cooked toastie on the outside, and soft and moist in the middle. We customise it oddly with a good lathering of Mavers peanut butter and oddly, frozen mixed berries for hot/cold contrast. When feeling extra gunky, we go yank with bacon and maple syrup over the lot. Not entirely the message that Jessica Sepel preaches, but it’s amazing!4: 'Couples Retreat'
The circle that you move in will dictate whether this falls into a guilty pleasure. Unfortunately, outside of my family, I stand alone, laughing by myself waving the 'Couple’s Retreat' movie poster. Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau make me laugh without even doing anything. The prying therapists, the exotic yoga instructor, the awkward reactions and silences, the clever one-liners, all set by the crystal turquoise waters of the Maldives… What is not to like?! It’s just a slow clap ending shy of perfection. “I know my truth”.5: Biscuits and Cadbury chocolate milk
I can’t eat them but I do. Before we all understood that our bodies can’t run on crap, I use to smash two Cadbury chocolate milks during a day on the shovel, followed by half a packet of 100s & 1000s biscuits. Shake the carton for a good 60 seconds for extra thickness allowing no room whatsoever for air as it fills the mouth and slides down over the tongue into a stomach where it will set up camp for a good day or two. 100s & 1000s for their wondrous fairy tale rainbow coloured specks on pink frost. My mouth is watering. But stomach aching. ;)Bonus guilty pleasure confession:
I once watched a re-run of 'Hey Hey It’s Saturday' which featured myself… I didn’t turn it off. Eeeee!'29 Gold Stars' is out now.
Nathan Cavaleri Australia Tour 2019
Fri 17 May - Geelong Workers ClubSun 19 May - The Toff In Town (Melbourne)
Fri 14 Jun - The Milk Factory (Brisbane)
Sat 29 Jun - The Metropole Guesthouse (Katoomba)
Sun 30 Jun - Live 'N Loungin' (Camden)