5 Folk Artists To Listen To Right Now Shared By Kaurna Cronin

'Harsh Beauty' is the title of Kaurna Cronin's new album.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Earlier this year, Adelaide folk-rock singer-songwriter Kaurna Cronin released his newest album, 'Harsh Beauty'.

A globally-recognised performer who was awarded Artist Of The Year at last year's Australian Folk Music Awards, 'Harsh Beauty' finds Cronin exploring how humanity interacts with its surrounding environment and how that forms and shapes our beliefs and ideals.

"'Harsh Beauty' is a reflection on how our environment shapes our cultures, lives and personalities; as we leave our mark on the world, so, too, do the landscapes we traverse cast themselves upon us," shares Kaurna.

"As a worn boot imprints itself on desert sands, the wise sand too shall tether itself to the leather, revealing there is no distinction between us and the world around us – that we do not live in this world, we are the world."

Ahead of Kaurna's home-town show as part of Woodville Town Hall's Foyer Fridays series this week (7 October), here he lists five of his favourite folk artists you should be listening to (right now).

Gillian Welch & Dave Rawlings

If you're like me and you love going to a beautiful theatre to soak in some live music, I would wager – even on a suburban Saturday afternoon just after the neighbour has fired up the lawn mower, and your weekly washing has just been re-soaked by unpredicted rainfall – Gillian's songs could still take you to that front row.

There's something in the way her voice floats effortlessly as if she would not even need to sing the words – they are already part of the song.

Couple this with Dave Rawlings masterful guitar work and there's a down-pour of moods you can feel from these two. Be the washing, let them be the rain – soak them in.

Loren Kate

There are very few performers that can completely break your heart whilst simultaneously instilling a sense of profound hope and optimism – Loren nails that.

It's so clear to hear how she weaves her life into song, taking in her surroundings and giving a little of herself to every tune.

I find it admirable when artists show that simple can be special, but also know when to celebrate the magic. Loren is a spell-binding folk artist truly in-tune with the world around her, and I love that.

Michael Waugh

Few songwriters, or artists for that matter, can so majestically bring you into a story as Michael does.

Whether meandering through Australia's suburban streets, stepping onto the school bus or sitting with mates around the local footy oval – he knows exactly how to make the lives of strangers feel like the lives of friends.

His songs can provide a good chuckle one line, and silence a room the next – powerful stuff.

Melody Pool

Hearing Melody Pool sing is a nourishing affair. Her songs are a patchwork of the broody, honest and revealing kind but sewn together with a graceful and elegant thread.

I've found it moving to watch her waltz her way through the deep and darkened on stage, often with a humorous charm. She'll invite you into her seamless cloak of melancholy and wit, that she dons – shepherding you with songs.

Jackson Browne

You may know his voice, you most likely know his songs, heck, you might even know Jackson Browne. Regardless, there's always something beautiful and poetic to admire in his timeless folk-rock.

Having written songs with and for many household names, it's still his lesser known tracks that I find speak most freely.

Whether it's something to fall teary-eyed into the recesses of your couch or something to whisk you through the traffic on a summer afternoon – there is a whole heap to discover and love.

Kaurna Cronin plays Foyer Fridays at Woodville Town Hall (Adelaide) 7 October. Kaurna also plays Dorrigo Folk & Bluegrass Festival (NSW), which runs 21-23 October and The Maldon Folk Festival (VIC), which runs 28-31 October. Kaurna then plays HATs Courthouse Cultural Centre (Auburn, SA) 10 December.

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