5 Favourite John Baldessari Artworks Shared By Something For Kate

Something For Kate share their favourite John Baldessari artworks.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

To honour the 25th anniversary of Something For Kate's debut album, 'Elsewhere For Eight Minutes', the band will play the album in full in rare three-piece mode.

That's right, just Paul, Clint and Steph smashing out their seminal release.

Released in July 1997, 'Elsewhere For Eight Minutes' was produced and recorded in New Zealand by US producer, Brian Paulson (Slint, Wilco); the album's title was a reference to the time it takes for light to travel from the sun to the Earth.

The album spawned fan favourite tracks 'Captain (Million Miles An Hour)', 'Working Against Me', 'Roll Credit', 'Pinstripe' and 'Like Bankrobbers'.

The tracks have taken on a life of their own over the past 25 years with diehard fans even declaring an annual Pinstripe Day' on 4 April as a reference to the tracks lyrics.

Here, the band share their love for art. "We're big fans of American artist, John Baldessari," states Something For Kate.

"In particular, the way he made a mockery of commercial art systems and commercial art practices. His work speaks for itself. But here are five scorchers."

1: I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art

In every way conceivable, this floats our boat. He uses the driest of humour to highlight the stupidity of the very idea of art being judged and particularly of being 'boring'.


2: What Is Painting (1966)

Words themselves are art to ask, how can words ever suffice?


3: Gavel (1987)

A totally different meaning comes from the things you take away.


4: Everything Is Purged From This Painting But Art (1966-68)

Conceptual art for all the right reasons.


5: Tips For Artists Who Want To Sell

Again, conceptual art for all the right reasons.

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Something For Kate perform 'Elsewhere For Eight Minutes' in full at Princess Theatre (Brisbane) 3 September. They also play a normal show as part of the Night At The Barrack series (Sydney) 17 September.

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