5 Cowpunk Bands That Have Shaped Dave Favours Own Songwriting

Dave Favours & The Roadside Ashes newest album is titled 'Cheap Motels After Midnight'.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

An indie band who bleed together rock tones with alt country feels and dusty pop flavours, Dave Favours & The Roadside Ashes recently released their sophomore album titled 'Cheap Motels After Midnight'.

It was inspired by their own experiences on the road across the years (and in other bands) that mirrors most rock bands doing the hard yards touring when members don't know where they'll be staying after the show.

The follow-up to the group's 2020 debut LP 'Not Your Average Country Band', Dave began writing 'Cheap Motels After Midnight' when the pandemic curtailed the band's touring opportunities.

"We released that first album right when the first lockdown hit and had to cancel a national tour," shares Dave.

"Instead of waiting to tour the record, and with plenty of spare time on my hands, I set about writing the next one.

"On the previous LP, all the songs were written on an acoustic guitar. During lockdown, I pulled out an electric guitar and amp for the first time in many years and much of what came out during that period is on this record.

"There's still plenty of acoustic guitar but having the freedom to switch gave Aaron (lead guitar, slide guitar and pedal steel) much more room to move.

"The other big difference is our latest addition, drummer Mark 'Looch' Lewis. Looch is a singer-songwriter in his own right and knew straight away what the songs needed.

"The songs seem more focused and complete this time around."

Here, Dave shares a few 'cowpunk' bands that have influenced his own songwriting.

The Gun Club

When I was about 11 or 12, I bought a cassette of their 'Fire Of Love' album from one of those record club mail order catalogues because it was on sale for a dollar. It just sounded so primal and dangerous.

It changed my life forever, as what was on the radio no longer had meaning to me. Alas, I never got to see them as I was too young when they toured Australia but they're still probably the most played act in my record collection.

Beasts Of Bourbon

Growing up, they taught me that (real) country music is both tough and cool. They weren't a country act but there sure was an undercurrent of it in their sound and look.

Sneaking in to see them underage when I was a teenager opened a whole world of possibilities. At their peak, I don't think there was a better live band in the world. They remain my favourite Australian band of all time.

The Johnnys

The Roadside Ashes actually recorded a Johnnys cover recently, possibly for our next record. Spencer P. Jones was my hero and the Johnnys live and breathe rock & roll. Great songs, great musicianship and great fun.

When I was a kid and dreamed of being in a band, The Johnnys epitomised what that meant. Spencer may be gone but The Johnnys live on. Go see them while you still can. The ultimate 'good time' band.


At face value, it's punk rock, but there's so much more going on. If I could live anywhere, at any point throughout history, it would be in LA in the early '80s. Together with The Gun Club, bands like The Blasters, Blood On The Saddle, The Flesh Eaters and of course X are part of my DNA.

Many years back, I was up late, listening to X and found out they were playing in San Francisco the same month. One drink led to another, and I woke up the next morning to the vague memory of buying tickets and booking flights.

Eight days later I was seeing them for the first of two nights. Through sheer luck, I caught The Blasters on night three. The credit card took a beating, but it was totally worth it.

The Beat Farmers

I don't know why these guys aren't more known than they are. Sadly, key members Buddy Blue and Country Dick Montana are no longer with us but I firmly believe that in 50 years time, they'll be bigger than they were in their day.

Their early records are bona fide classics, and you can normally pick them up pretty cheaply too. Do yourself a favour.

Dave Favours & The Roadside Ashes new album 'Cheap Motels After Midnight' is out now.

Catch the band launching the album alongside Stanley Records label mates Katie Brianna, Ben Leece & Left Of The Dial and Sam Shinazzi on their 'Travelling Medicine Show' tour.

Stanley Records Travelling Medicine Show 2022 Tour Dates

Sat 14 May - Stag & Hunter (Newcastle)
Sun 15 May - The Brass Monkey (Sydney)
Sat 21 May - Royal Hotel (Hunter Valley)
Sun 22 May - The Junkyard (Hunter Valley)
Sat 28 May - Lulie Tavern (Melbourne)
Sun 29 May - Pistol Pete's (Geelong)

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