5 Best Dad Jokes With Sean Mackenzie

Sean Mackenzie shares his favourite dad jokes.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Labelled a 'a master storyteller' and 'an eccentric wizard' by music critics, composer, producer, pianist and percussionist Sean Mackenzie is a master in the fusion of world music.

Sean takes his audiences on a worldwide journey exploring folkloric cultural sounds and rhythms from all corners of the globe.

"The sheer joy of immersing ourselves in a different culture and being moved and surprised by unexpected turns in melodies of both music and language, are truly exciting experiences," Sean says.

"It inspires us to think and feel outside our everyday experience and share in the fullness of life. Through torrential monsoons to absolute serenity."

Ahead of his performance Doo-Bop Jazz Bar in Brisbane next month, Sean shares five of his favourite dad jokes as he claims to be king of dad jokes.

1. BUM

Why did the bum die? Because it had a fart attack!


I suddenly know the entire alphabet… but I don’t know 'Y'.


How did the scarecrow get his promotion? He was considered outstanding in his field.


30 days has Soptober, April, June and Nowonder. All the rest have strawberry jam. Except my grandmother, and she ride a push bike.


Last but not least at all and eggscrutiatingly difficult to eggnore, I am truly eggcited whenever I have the opportunity to eggsplore my egghausting repertoire of egg puns.

Sean Mackenzie plays Doo-Bop Jazz Bar (Brisbane) 7 July with Parissa Bouas.

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