5 Bands Fait Accompli Have Played With

Fait Accompli
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Sydney soul-punk three-piece Fait Accompli know a thing or two about hard work.

The independent band have driven their fair-share of kilometres across the country, playing with an assortment of acts including: Sebadoh, Sage Francis, Violent Soho, Dead Kennedys, The Smith Street Band and The Bennies.

Resident troublemaker with Fait Accompli as well as vocalist-guitarist, Ray Lalotoa shares stories about five bands he has enjoyed supporting.

Dead Kennedys

When I was a kid I used to see the DK logo on school bags and all over desks, then as a teenager 'Holiday In Cambodia' really stuck in my head; maybe it was the 3am insomnia, weekend Rage TV sessions. Opening for Dead Kennedys is one of them punk-rock dreams that every kid from suburbia knows will never happen but they dream anyway; it became a reality for us.

Sage Francis

Touring with hip hop legend Sage Francis was one of those cool ideas in your head, but in reality would probably never really work. Luckily for us it actually made for a good crossover of genres – us bringing the soul punk and Sage bringing the soul-hectic, hip hop vibes. We basically drove up and down the east coast in four days – Sydney to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney then Brisbane following Sage to every show. Loading in, playing, partying, loading out then driving. It was a great lesson in composure and keeping our shit tight. We came away from that tour feeling pretty blessed, and yeah we made a new friend with an independent music, hip hop icon.

Violent Soho

These Brisbane legends are definitely one of Australia's best live bands hands down. The first time we played with them was at the very first music festival I ever put together in Sydney called My Sydney Riot mini festival; and ever since that day the name Violent Soho was on everyone's lips. The last time we played together, “Hell Fuck Yeah” wasn't even a thing yet. So, upon hearing that song 'Covered In Chrome' for the first time you just knew the boys had a hit on their hands and look at them now. Can't wait to hear the new stuff. Yew!

The Bennies

Those guys are legends of Aussie music and we have so much fun when we play shows together. This one time we were up in a room hanging out after a show and we had a little, scooby party. Honestly, have you ever seen 20 joints being past around at once? It was visually insane. Haha! Then we all went out for munchies at Mr Crackles. The look on The Bennies faces was priceless. It was life changing in a good way, haha! Love The Bennies!

Goons Of Doom

These guys are the only band in the whole world who can turn a party literally on its head. I believe the Goons have what it takes to be one of the all-time great, punk bands of our times. We did our first east-coast tour with the Goons and we've been pretty much family ever since. If we had to fight two other bands we'd probably partner up with the Goons and most probably beat every one up and win a band-fighting trophy! But we're actually pacifists and we come in peace! There ain't no party like a Goons Of Doom party!


Fait Accompli Tour Dates

Thu 8 Oct - The Bearded Lady (Brisbane)
Fri 9 Oct - Great Northern (Byron Bay)
Fri 16 Oct - The Old Bar (Melbourne)

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