360 Drops An Epic Comeback Song 'Stand Alone'... Again Confirming His Elite Rapping Status

360 is back, dropping a new jam titled 'Stand Alone'.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Almost half a decade since his last album release, and ten years removed from the mega fandom he endured (and ultimately led to his decision to spend time away from the spotlight) after the success of his 'Falling & Flying' album, Aussie rapper 360 has dropped a new song 'Stand Alone' on socials.

"I was gonna come swinging out the gates with bars, but it didn't feel right after being quiet for a while. Ye olde vent sesh," 360 says.

A track that sees 360 vent on friends taking advantage of past relationships, dealing with paranoid thoughts and doubting his own path back, the track features gospel-like backing vocals with a dusty drumbeat and angelic keys.

"I haven't dropped anything for so long, so I had do this first, OK. . . 360 is officially back again!"

Oh, and 360's beard game is Yoda-strong – it's full-body features hints of grey and red messed in with a two-tone brown and black rug of straggly goodness – it's a cross between Harden and a yeti, and totally magnificent.

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