The shortlist of finalists for the 2020 SoundMerch Australian Music Prize (The AMP) feature an array of experienced and emerging talent across a diverse range of genres.
The 9 finalists were selected (by a group of respected music industry experts) from 88 albums nominated by judges.The finalists (in alphabetical order) are: Alice Ivy, The Avalanches, Blake Scott, Emma Donovan and The Putbacks, Fanny Lumsden, Gordon Koang, Miiesha, Tame Impala and Ziggy Ramo.
"We're so very chuffed to have made the shortlist for the Australian Music Prize," The Avalanches says. "To sit amongst all the previous nominees and so many truly great albums is a real honour. Thank you!"
"I had zero expectations when I put 'Black Thoughts' out," adds Ziggy Ramo, "and am truly humbled that people have resonated with it.
"Thank you to the Australian Music Prize for not only the nomination but more importantly, for listening."
Previous winners of The AMP include Sampa The Great, Gurrumul, The Drones, Courtney Barnett, A.B. Original, and Eddy Current Suppression Ring.
"It's such an honour – for both me and The Putbacks – to see this album included in this major prize," Emma Donovan says.
"The songs represented on this album are not only a capsule of personal stories, but are a preservation and celebration of two of the country's national traditional languages. We thank our passionate listeners for sharing our music."
While Fanny Lumsden adds: "I'm a little overwhelmed that 'Fallow', songs I wrote in a season of personal change and released through a storm, have found such a silver lining.
"It's a complete honour to be included in the top nine albums of the year for an award that has such integrity."
The winner of The AMP for 2020 will be revealed in March and will receive a $20,000 cash prize, courtesy of SoundMerch.
"The feedback directly from artists who released albums in 2020 has been quite incredible; much praise for us being able to keep The AMP alive in a year that wasn't alive in so many ways," SoundMerch Australian Music Prize Director, Scott Murphy says.
"It could not have been done without the help of long-term industry friends, especially APRA and the Mushroom Group, whose financial support remained intact for the 16th year.
"Of course, it was amazing that during these times, long-term AMP partner SoundMerch stepped up their support of the industry and are going to pay the winner a $20,000 cash prize! Congratulations to our nine shortlisted artists on their incredible work."
2020 Australian Music Prize Finalists
Alice Ivy - 'Don't Sleep'The Avalanches - 'We Will Always Love You'
Blake Scott - 'Niscitam'
Emma Donovan and The Putbacks - 'Crossover'
Fanny Lumsden - 'Fallow'
Gordon Koang - 'Unity'
Miiesha - 'Nyaaringu'
Tame Impala - 'The Slow Rush'
Ziggy Ramo - 'Black Thoughts'