X-citing - 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past' Review

'X-Men: Days Of Future Past' with Hugh Jackman and Nicholas Hoult
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Starring Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence. Directed by Bryan Singer.

X-Men. X-Women. X-citing. Yes. X Men Days 1
After endless months of early-release trailers, teasers and promo billboards getting our X-men motors revving, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' has finally been released. Does it deliver? You bet Wolverine’s sweet ass it does! When you see the movie, that statement will be relevant and worth the $17.50 you spent on the ticket.

Comic enthusiasts (see: nerds) will know this already but the film takes place during the final peak of the Human vs Mutant war that escalated over the previous four films. Professor X and Magneto are still trucking, albeit a wee bit wobbly in their old age, and we have a host of new mutants fighting tooth and nail to save their species. As the title suggests, they go back in time and we are gifted with the floppy-haired, 70’s dreamboat that is James McAvoy as younger Prof X and Mr Fassbender as a younger Magneto.

Laden with stunning special effects (particularly the mutant-destroying-bad-guy ‘sentinels’), non-preachy ethical analogies about race relations and a surprisingly touching and well-written love triangle, this is a sheer winner. My movie buddy and I found a particular soft spot for new mutant ‘Quicksilver’, played by Evan Peters. 'Days of Future Past' had me guessing and riveted at every turn. The plot line was simple enough to follow without being an avid fan but strategic enough to be totally unpredictable and, well, kickin-ass-awesome. Check this out folks.

'X Men: Days Of Future Past' is in cinemas now.


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