Will Smith To Reboot A 'Darker' Version Of The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

Fans can expect a reboot of 'The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air'.
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Last year Morgan Cooper released a four-minute fan film 'Bel-Air' that depicted the story of a kid from Philly whose life got turned upside-down – in 2019.

Basically, it was a short film of what would happen if Will Smith made 'The Fresh Prince' today.

It made such an impression, Smith visited with Cooper (video is below), not longer afterwards telling the filmmaker: "That's an idea that is brilliant."

Now, according to Deadline, a bidding war has erupted between streamers like Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon and Apple eager to snaffle the box office appeal of Will Smith and the '90s nostalgia feels that have seen recent reboots of 'Beavis And Butt-Head' and 'The Ren And Stimpy Show'.

The project, from Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith's Westbrook Studios and Universal Television, would be an hour-long series based on Cooper's fan film. He will direct the series, which he is co-writing with Chris Collins ('The Man In The High Castle', 'The Wire').

While the original show's swagger and good vibes will remain, 'Bel-Air' will be a deeper dive into issues and conflicts relevant to modern society.

"'Bel-Air' is a reimagined, reinterpretation of this incredible story and bringing it into modern day life," Cooper says.

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