Warner Bros Can't Stop Releasing Man Of Steel Trailers

Superman: Man Of Steel
Arts Editor and Senior Writer (many years until 2012)

The folks at Warner Bros are awfully keen for you to see their new Superman film.

They're going to extraordinary lengths to scrub the taste of Superman Returns out of your mouth, releasing the eighth TV spot (count 'em!) for Zack Snyder's Man Of Steel overnight. That's on top of the four theatrical trailers they've also dropped.

The new spot focuses squarely on the villainous General Zod, played with trademark intensity by Michael Shannon (of Boardwalk Empire fame).


Here's a rundown of all the other footage Warner Bros has released for Man Of Steel so far. The sheer amount of stuff in here, as if what's happening in the editing room is so damn exciting that studio execs can't help but run out and release new clips on a daily basis, gives us hope the franchise is about to deliver on its promise.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

Trailer 3

Trailer 4

TV Spot 1

TV Spot 2

TV Spot 3

TV Spot 4

TV Spot 5

TV Spot 6

TV Spot 7

Man Of Steel isn't released in the US until June 14, so you can expect a few more of these before then. At this rate, it's very likely you'll be able to see all the film's key moments before you actually see the film; Warner Bros apparently gambling big that people really do prefer movies when they already know what's going to happen.

Man Of Steel is released in Australia on June 27.

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