True Blood Season 7 Predictions

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.
'True Blood'. Is it a coincidence that there are seven series and pretty much every one epitomises the seven deadly sins and I guess even the seven heavenly virtues?

It's enough to curl the toes of any religious figure. This is one of the most titillating, polarising series in the last seven years and one of my favourites. Even though it's almost impossible to choose, these are seven of my favourite moments.

When the bartender vomits blood all over Sookie

This will always be one of my favourite moments. It's shocking and gross but with the 'blood curdling' screams of Ginger going on in the background it's also awesome. Ginger's screams really do become quite a thing of joy throughout the series.


When Godric met the sun

Godric is not only the dreamiest of the vamps, but he's wise and humble and dreamy. Did I mention he's dreamy? After all the hoopla from the circus that was the Fellowship Of The Sun, Godric has had enough and gets to experience his first sunrise in a few thousand years in a flurry of blue flames and sparkles. I don't want you to be gone Godric!!!!


Russell's TV speech

Russell Edgington is possibly the most evil of evils in the ‘True Blood’ series and I love to hate him. One of his most fearfully impregnating moments is when he takes the air on TBBN while Nan Flanagan (spokesperson for the American Vampire League) is chowing down on a leg of a human. He swiftly shimmies in as only vampires can and puts his hand straight through the chest of the news reader, tearing out a chunk that I assume is either his heart, a lung or possibly both.

Russell NewsreaderSource: Youtube

Tara's sacrifice

The shock comes when Debbie (the vigilant on/ off girlfriend of Alcide) comes at Sookie wielding a shotgun, but just before the trigger is pulled Tara appears and pushes Sookie out of the way and receives a hot lead injection right to the head. The best bit comes later with Pam's comment when they go to ground together: “I'm wearing a Walmart sweat-suit for y'all. If that's not a demonstration of team spirit I don't know what is...” Also Pam in her jammy jams is pretty much everything!

Tara DeathSource: Youtube

Eric sucking a heart like a bloody milkshake

After being under Marnie's (the powerful medium from the fourth season) spell for what seemed like forever Eric needed a little rejuvenation I assume and what better way to do so than a big shot of vampire multivitamins straight from the source.


Maryann's death

Basically Maryann (the Maenad from Season 2), the purveyor of all things debauchery and a little bit naughty met her death at the horn/ fist of her sacrificial lamb, aka Sam Merlotte. This was one of my most satisfying moments of the series. That final image of Sam standing there in all his naked glory holding Maryann's heart is pure art.

Maryann DeathSource: Youtube

Bill's one on one with the Governor

Bill you shifty character. I mean, who could have predicted this soft hearted, romantic vampire could have become one of the most self-serving, viscous villains of all? All his antics almost came to a head when he came face to face with the Governor in a dispute that resulted in a little twist. Like a little twist of the Governor's head and POP! Off it comes.

Here are my seven Season 7 predictions:

• Sookie will be turned and become queen of the Bon Temps area, which will cause uproar because she's only a baby vamp.

• She will marry Bill and they'll have a fairytale godless demon fairy child that will kill her on birth.

• Jason will suffer impotence issues again but become Mayor and everyone will marvel at how far he has come. There will be a clip of him looking doe-eyed and dopey and everyone will go “Awwwww”.

• Lafayette will be put up in a fancy mansion and become a kept man because Sookie will want it that way, but he'll still dealing in vamp blood but only because he finds a vampire boyfie.

• Pam and Tara will start a dark circus and become mainstream entertainment darlings and then both start a modelling agency for vampires.

• Sam and Arlene will hook up because they're both hopeless in love and will find comfort in each other. Also Arlene will find out she has some dormant mystical power because her kids will start breathing fire or grow gills or something equally awesome.

• Eric will hide from the sun in the snow and will emerge as a icy vampire, god like, Nordic king.

'True Blood' Season 7 screens from Monday June 23 on Foxtel's Showcase.

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