Each week the New Globe Theatre in Brisbane screens cult movie classics.
This week is a particular bumper crop, starting tonight with the Bruce Willis classic, 'The Fifth Element'.

In the colourful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr Zorg at bay. Starring Bruce Willis.

Thurs 4th Sept 6pm
Troma Thursday: CANNIBAL THE MUSICAL (1993)
The sole survivor of an ill-fated mining expedition tells how his taste for gold was replaced by that of human flesh. From the gang who brought you 'South Park'.

Fri 5th Sept 7pm
EVIL DEAD (1981) (R18+)
Five friends go to a cabin in the woods where they find unspeakable evil lurking. With friends dying off one by one, it's up to Ash to survive the night and battle the evil dead! Bruce Campbell stars in Sam Raimi's low-budget zombie flick!
Tickets for each movie are $10, which includes free popcorn.