The Fantastic Four Review

The Fantastic Four
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Director Josh Trank takes the reins this time in a second attempt to make 'The Fantastic Four' up to date in the current spate of super heroes infiltrating the movie world.

The quartet of Marvel legends are this time played by Miles Teller ‘Mr Fantastic’, Kate Mara ‘Susan Storm’ Michael B. Jordan ‘The Human Torch’ and the hard-headed ‘Thing’ played by Jamie Bell.

For those mere-mortals who are just learning about 'The Fantastic Four', the team consist of Reed who has the ability to stretch and contort himself in any shape possible, John bursts into flames and can fly, Sue can turn invisible and create force fields, and finally Big Ben is a angry rock creature that packs one hell of a punch when angry. All these friends are thrust together not knowing the outcome or potential of who they can become until mankind is threatened.

Fantastic Four1Did the film need a reboot? Yes and no. The story remains the same; except this film has a younger, fresher cast and 20th Century Fox need to keep in line with all the current Marvel movies to keep up.

Although the movie seems to takes its time to rev up, its climax is really worth waiting for.

The story is of four brilliant, talented young adults getting together to use incredible technology by teleporting themselves to an alternate and unknown Universe. Upon discovering a force greater than they could imagine, changing their human physical form and DNA in spectacular fashion never before seen or experienced.

Fantastic Four2The four members upon returning to earth have to learn to harness their new abilities and work together to deal with an added threat of a rouge friend turned enemy, hell-bent on destroying the earth.

Lots of science mumbo jumbo is scattered throughout the story, but that’s not a problem, you get the gist of what’s happening and what’s coming. This film felt like something bigger is coming and was stretched out like Mr. Fantastic’s powers, with hopefully a lot more to come.

It's harder to warm to the characters like in the first installment – maybe that might come in the next story that Fox produce, if this one does well.

The CGI effects – like all fantasy movies – are brilliant, visual and exciting. The acting is a bit wooden but gets through. The last, and very important fact with this film, is there’s not any comical fun element – it’s too serious unlike other hero films, there's no break from the monotony with visual gags or one-liners.

If you’re a fan, enjoy it.

Three out of five tectonic wave blasts.

– written by Tony Bini

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