Whether you’re a fan of Russell Brand's charming, free-loving personality, comedic stylings or political insights, or if you can’t stand him at all, you simply have to watch 'The Emperor’s New Clothes'.
Joining forces with Michael Winterbottom, Brand has brought to life his book, 'Revolution', through the form of an extremely eye-opening documentary. Filled with all the parts of Brand that many have come to both love and hate, this documentary is a fast-paced crash course in the ever-increasing gap between the richest 1 per cent and the other 99.
Despite focusing on the governments and corporations of Britain and the United States, there is still much to learn about global economics and Australia’s part in the great divide. Brand not only brings to light massive injustices in the system, he also suggests ways that those without the majority of the wealth in their countries can make changes to help their community and other communities around the world that are suffering
Russell Brand is able to use his approachable and jovial persona to work his way into the lives of those affected by the economical divides, and occasionally works alongside them to fight for their rights. However, ironically, it could be his personality that leaves this documentary without the full impact that it might have had with a more serious tone (with less megaphones and breaking and entering). Then again, perhaps it wouldn’t be able to reach enough of the 99 per cent without this handsome and happy man leading the charge.
It doesn’t matter if you have or haven’t read his book, if you love him or hate him, or even if you think you couldn’t care less about global economics, seeing this film will make you leave the theatre thinking twice about owning an iPhone and just what your bank is up to.
– written by Rachel Barnes