The Dumbest Question Ever Was Probably A Joke

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A video in which a Mexican reporter asks Gravity director Alfonso Cuaron about shooting in space has gone viral today, but it turns out the journalist was probably in on the joke.

TV Azteca reporter Carlos 'El Capi' Perez has been hammered for asking the 'dumbest question ever at a press conference', after he asked Cuaron about the challenges of shooting space thriller Gravity 'on location': "What were the technical and human difficulties of filming in space? Was it very difficult, very complicated to film in space? Did the camera operators get sick?"

(Of course, the film was not actually shot in space, but on a soundstage.)

Cuaron, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, replied: "We were in space for three-and-a-half months. I got really sick during training."

The internet has been quick to call Perez out on his question, because of course the Mexican guy must be an idiot and couldn't possibly have been joking.

"Excuse me Twitter for being a professional committed to information. Don't tell me I was the only one who had that doubt," Perez tweeted after the clip went viral. Obviously, Mexicans are not capable of sarcasm or irony and his tweet must be taken at face value.

Perez is a field reporter for the comedic talk show Deberîan Estar Trabajando (You Should Be Working); on today's episode of the show, the hosts confirmed the question was a joke.

"What Mr Capi did was to be irreverent," they confirmed. "Mr Cuaron fell for it and did it very politely by replying to that question. The media, some took it aggressively while others not so much, but this is the show and we are happy that you are here."

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