A long election campaign needs a long desk.
The Chaser offers a desk long enough to cover this year's explosive marathon with truly explosive explosiveness. The longest, most explosive desk. The Chaser's Election Desk.
We're four weeks into this election campaign; what has been the biggest surprise so far?
[Julian Morrow] I can’t believe how long it’s been since there’s been a leadership spill… nine months without a change in Prime Minister or Opposition Leader seems like a golden age of political stability.
There are still three weeks remaining… will the Australian electorate be able to sustain the energy required for that much mass-media hysteria?
Australian voters will always have 'the energy required' because they’ve very wisely tuned out for now… summoning up the required energy level of zero isn’t too hard. It’s trying to generate the hysteria which really requires a lot of pointless energy.

Who has offered the strangest election promise?
Without actually checking, I’m absolutely certain the answer to that will be Bob Katter.
What will be the biggest battle ground of this campaign? Fictional or real.
Malcolm Turnbull’s constant battle not to appear aloof is titanic… in scale and outcome.
What insights do you believe Kerry O'Brien's toupee will offer viewers?
Kerry’s toupee will be providing exclusive analysis of swings in the bellweather seat of Eden-Monaro for The Chaser’s Election Desk. We’re still in negotiations with the merkin.
The promo for the show spouts your election election desk is longer than Channel 9 and Channel 7… awesome stat. But who exactly are you rolling out to sit at the desk?
Every single person in Australia has a seat at The Chaser’s Election Desk… and that’s who we’re asking to fill the seats on the set of the show. We’ve been overwhelmed by number of requests for seats we’ve received from the Federal Police.
The rat stunt with Bill Shorten at the Sydney fish markets; that has the hallmarks of a Chaser prank… what else does the team have planned?
One of the hallmarks of a Chaser prank is that we don’t give out the details in advance… not because it’s sensitive information. It’s usually very insensitive.
Will the spectre of Abbott be like a bad stain of the Ghost of Christmas Past for Turnbull?
Abbott’s not actually a spectre; that’s just what he looks like. But yes.
Can we expect weekly guest panelists? Will they be political panelists?
We’ll have politicians on The Chaser’s Election Desk every single show… whether they like it or not. We’re using some new technology to beam politicians into the studio. They’re only one dimensional though, so they capture most politicians perfectly.
By July 2, what will be the one item every voter will have burned to their forehead?
I don’t think either party will reveal what they’re going to burn into the foreheads of voters until after the election.
The Chaser's Election Desk screens every Wednesday throughout the federal election at 9pm on ABCTV.