Seth Rogen Outdoes Lindsay Lohan

Seth Rogen
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Seth Rogen has topped Lindsay Lohan's infamous list of celebrities she's had sex with by revealing which celebrities he has (and hasn't) smoked weed with.

Rogen appeared on Andy Cohen's 'Watch What Happens Live!' and ran down the list of celebrities you'd love to get high with.

James Franco: "This is really depressing for me to say... I've never smoked weed with James Franco because he doesn't smoke weed. That's why he's such a good actor! It's really sad, actually."

Dave Franco: "I don't know, honestly. Maybe sometime throughout the years."

Paul Rudd: "Oh yeah, lots of times."

Sarah Silverman: "Yes, many times."

Snoop Dogg: "Yeah, actually I have."

Barbara Streisand: "No, but we talked about it a lot. She smoked weed with Peter Sellers, though. That's the craziest shit ever!"

Jonah Hill: "Yeah."

Willie Nelson: "No, but he's here in town, I think."

Cohen then asked Rogen to address his recent tweet calling Justin Bieber a "piece of shit". Turns out Rogen's opinion hasn't changed: "In my opinion, Justin Bieber is a piece of shit. He's obnoxious, he's ungrateful, he's insincere. He puts people's lives in danger."

So there you go. In retrospect, knowing James Franco doesn't smoke weed kind of makes you want to give him an Oscar for 'The Pineapple Express', doesn't it?


[via Gawker]

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