Revelation Perth's Couched Online Film Festival

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Perth's Revelation Film Festival have been busy during lockdown, planning both a new online event in July and their regular festival for later in the year.

Couched will run online via Eventive from early July, presenting a selection of features, documentaries, and premieres from across the world.

The event offers tailored viewing experiences and features live panels, talks, presentations and more – making it as close to a full festival experience as possible.

“We exist to show films, and that’s something we will continue to do. Most films will be available Australia wide for the duration of the fest and several will be made available internationally,” Program Director Jack Sargeant says.

“This gives us an opportunity to showcase movies across the world, and give people a small taste of what we do.”

The online space isn't a new place for Revelation.

“We've had REVonDEMAND, our online streaming service of 200+ films for five years so we’ve been leading in that space for a fair while now," Festival Director Richard Sowada says.

“Fortunately that experience and reputation has allowed us to dive deeply into the contemporary international film scene and surface with a programme of 25+ new and stellar international feature, documentaries and shorts presented on a platform that delivers a first class audience experience."

Films that are part of Couched will be available for rent for a 24-hour period throughout the festival regionally, nationally, and internationally.

The full programme will be revealed later this month.

Couched takes place from 9-19 July.

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