Pitch Perfect 2 Is Happening

Anna Kendrick
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, 'Pitch Perfect 2' — a sequel to the 2012 sleeper hit — has been put into production.

What is surprising is who's in the director's chair — actress Elizabeth Banks ('The 40-Year-Old Virgin', 'The Hunger Games'), who produced and briefly appeared in the first film.

Not only is Banks making her feature directorial debut, but Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson, who starred in the original, are "likely to return", according to The Hollywood Reporter.

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'Pitch Perfect' grossed more than $115 million worldwide on a relatively small $17 million budget, before grossing roughly $135 million in home entertainment sales in North America alone. So, yeah, this was pretty much always going to happen, but it's a relief to hear they're not pumping out a straight-to-DVD sequel with a bland replacement cast.

"Elizabeth originated the idea for 'Pitch Perfect' and was instrumental in making the first film such a huge success," said Universal Pictures chairman Donna Langley. "She brings an enormous amount of energy and experience to everything she works on and we're thrilled that she is making her feature directorial debut on 'Pitch Perfect 2'."

rebel wilson youre welcome(Via The Hollywood Reporter)

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