P!nk – All I Know So Far Film Review

'P!nk – All I Know So Far'
National Arts and Comedy Editor. Based in Melbourne.
Pop culture, pop music and gaming are three of Jesse’s biggest passions. Lady Gaga, Real Housewives and The Sims can almost sum him up – but he also adores a night at the cinema or a trip to the theatre.

If you needed any proof that P!nk (Alicia Moore) is a class act, ‘All I Know So Far’ does the job.

This Amazon Prime exclusive documentary (directed by Australia's Michael Gracey) charts the course of P!nk’s ‘Beautiful Trauma’ tour, culminating in her two-night run at London’s Wembley Stadium. It’s a peek into the life of a name synonymous with major success, exceptional talent and fearless spirit – but this documentary isn’t always covered in glitter and filtered by the picture-perfect, idealistic view of the music industry.

It’s not just a feature-length ‘look how famous and cool I am’ commentary, there are still peaks and valleys. . . But one thing the film lacks is major depth. If you're expecting a deep-dive into P!nk’s childhood or some kind of heartfelt reflection on traumatic experiences, this is not that kind of documentary. If you're after something which is one quarter concert film, three quarters behind-the-scenes insight, you’ll be entertained.

We watch as P!nk juggles a (very) physically demanding tour (seriously, seeing her do it for so many years now doesn’t mean we should discount how much work this woman puts in) with being a mum. She talks about how she’s written letters to her daughter Willow as she’s grown up, letters she’ll one day give to her in a book. Honestly, my favourite parts of ‘All I Know So Far’ were watching her little family (children Willow and Jameson, and husband Carey) just mucking around in hotel rooms. It comes across as though this woman is a fantastic mother – her no bullsh.t approach to parenting means it seems the kids will learn some incredibly valuable lessons about growing up without much sugar-coating. I recall many times I felt incredibly impressed by this.

A touching moment showing P!nk reading a fan letter is about as close as we get to some deep emotion here – and I felt it was a great (and to be honest, necessary) inclusion, showing P!nk’s impact in the form of something a little more real than a supercut of award ceremonies or a voiceover listing her accolades.

The live sequences are, as a P!nk fan (or even someone only slightly aware of her) would expect, fantastic. The shows she has put on over the years are perhaps some of the most impressive live performances in history; the acrobatic elements are breathtaking and her stage presence is completely infectious, whether you’re watching in person or on a screen.

‘All I Know So Far’ isn’t an excavation of the deep, dark corners of Alicia Moore’s life. Instead – and by no means to a disadvantage if you know what to expect – it’s a fun, surface-level glimpse at an incredibly hard-working, top-of-the-line popstar/mum hybrid, with some endearing looks at parent-kid relationships on a grand scale paired with concert footage and rehearsals displaying someone who is 100 per cent in her element.

★★★☆☆ 1/2.

’All I Know So Far’ is available on Amazon Prime Video now.

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