Out From The Mist – A Film/Photography Competition Breaking The Stigma Of Mental Illness

'Relentless' by Kris Anderson, Colin Biggers & Paisley Prize winner (2020)
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Out From The Mist is in its third year – a film and photography competition breaking down the stigma of mental illness by sharing experiences of those who have lived with it.

Now is an important time to spread awareness of mental health. One in ten people globally experience mental health disorders. Out From The Mist Founder and Creative Director Michael Lockwood says since being diagnosed with depression ten years ago, he’s had to learn to manage it.

“For better or worse, this illness is an integral part of who I am, and I’m proud of who I am, depression and all.

“The competition shines a light on the varied experiences people face with their mental wellbeing, from experiences of pain and suffering, caring and empathy for loved ones, through to elation of conquering obstacles. While the focus is on mental health, Out From The Mist is about so much more. Harnessing the power of storytelling, it looks at mental health through the lens of art.”

Micah Prize winner 'Journey From The Shadows' by Jay Salton (2020)

Danielle Pocock is a former winner of Out From The Mist.

“I definitely felt that it was important to put my work out there in this space,” Danielle says. “There is nothing like this. A photographic competition about mental health and expressing mental health. I want my work to resonate with others, and hopefully open up conversations or a way for other to express how they feel.”

The exhibition of entries will run during Mental Health Week this October, and the competition’s awards night will be held online and in the host city, Brisbane. There will be 20 category winners.

Entries for Out From The Mist are open now on the website, and close 24 September. Winners will be notified by 10 October.

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