With 2016 coming to a close, it's a good time to reflect on what was, and look forward to what is to come.
Capri Theatre in Goodwood (SA) has had an eventful 12 months, as Theatre Manager Rob Jordan states in an open letter.
“It’s been a cracker of a year here at the Capri Theatre. We celebrated our 75th year with a huge nostalgia night, screening a movie the old-fashioned way with cartoons, newsreels and the mighty WurliTzer organ.
It would be great if going to see a movie was an event again, something that we all got frocked up for. We try to emulate that glamour here as much as possible for our daily movie sessions, even if it’s just with a glass of bubbles and some Haigh’s choccies from the Candy Bar.
The highlight of the year for me though, was hosting a 20th Anniversary screening of ‘Shine’ followed by a Q&A with Scott Hicks and Geoffrey Rush.
Both gents were lovely, entertaining and so generous with their time.
Geoffrey Rush at Capri Theatre
Next year’s going to be a big’un too.
We kick off the year with one of our debaucherous midnight screenings of 'Rocky Horror' on Friday 13 January. I love the banter with the screen at these events, especially the ad lib stuff people come up with.
You could also feed a small country with the leftover rice on the floor after the event.
We’ll also get the old girl painted in autumn, and will restore one of the ladies’ powder rooms to its glorious original design with glass powder bar, velvet furniture and lush drapery.
It’s really nice to be in a position to invest back into this iconic, heritage listed, art deco gem, restoring it to its original glory.”
- Rob Jordan
It would be great if going to see a movie was an event again, something that we all got frocked up for. We try to emulate that glamour here as much as possible for our daily movie sessions, even if it’s just with a glass of bubbles and some Haigh’s choccies from the Candy Bar.
The highlight of the year for me though, was hosting a 20th Anniversary screening of ‘Shine’ followed by a Q&A with Scott Hicks and Geoffrey Rush.
Both gents were lovely, entertaining and so generous with their time.

Next year’s going to be a big’un too.
We kick off the year with one of our debaucherous midnight screenings of 'Rocky Horror' on Friday 13 January. I love the banter with the screen at these events, especially the ad lib stuff people come up with.
You could also feed a small country with the leftover rice on the floor after the event.
We’ll also get the old girl painted in autumn, and will restore one of the ladies’ powder rooms to its glorious original design with glass powder bar, velvet furniture and lush drapery.
It’s really nice to be in a position to invest back into this iconic, heritage listed, art deco gem, restoring it to its original glory.”
- Rob Jordan