OK, So This Is The Best Super Bowl Commercial

Seinfeld Superbowl
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

We have an important correction to make.

Yesterday, we implied that this RadioShack ad — featuring iconic '80s characters ransacking the store — was the best ad aired during this year's Super Bowl.

What we didn't know then, but can't avoid now, is that a personal injury lawyer named Jamie Casino had bought two minutes of advertising space during the regional coverage of the Super Bowl in Savannah, Georgia. And in that two minutes, he proceeded to blow everybody's minds with the greatest commercial ever filmed.

In the explosive, action-packed spot, Casino frames his life as an epic revenge fantasy (which, the ad is at pains to tells us, is "based on a true story") in which he used to be "a notorious criminal defence lawyer" until his brother's life was "taken" (presumably by the criminals Casino used to associate with, but it's not really clear) and he decided to turn his life around and fight the good fight.

And we do mean fight — the high point of the ad comes when Casino picks up a sledgehammer at his brother's grave site, smashes the gravestone, and proceeds to exact his vengeance on the criminal underworld while hard rock anthem 'Devil Gets Your Soul' plays in the background.

So, yeah. Does your personal injury lawyer have a motherfucking superhero origin story?

"I'm attorney Jamie Casino, and I don't represent villains anymore," he says, a slogan that should instill the least amount of confidence possible in the residents of Savannah, Georgia. "I speak for innocent victims who cannot speak for themselves."

Naturally, the ad ends with the hashtag #casinoslaw, which has inspired tweets like these...

And, finally, the most puzzling question of all...

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