Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt has done it again. The latest, ballsy, high-tech, gadget-filled, action thriller is on a roll and ticks all the boxes in big movie entertainment.
The IMF has been shutdown which Leaves Ethan out on his own. On the horizon a new threat is looming. ‘Syndicate’ is a new, venomous power force. This aggressive dark force is a network of incredibly skilled agents who are enlisted to form a ‘New Order’ involving terrorist attacks across the globe.
With Ethan's faithful sidekick and gadget electronics geek Benji alias (Simon Pegg) and Jeremy Renner (William Brandt), the good guys are faced with the most impossible mission to date.

Alec Baldwin as Alan Huntley, a CIA chief, is hell-bent on apprehending Ethan at every cost during this story and adding extra tension to his fight in catching the super baddie Solomon Lane, played by Sean Harris.

Last but not least, there is a chase scene with cars and motorcycles to excite the speed demon in those who love a fast ride – and who doesn’t. It’s crazy, clever, dangerous and totally exhilarating. The stunt-work and the filming of this sequence is mindboggling.
The cinema was totally immersed in this film. It does have a few laughs, a twisting plot, spectacular ariel sequences and a great acting. It’s impossible not to enjoy this latest thrilling mission.
Four out of five exploding planes.
– written by Tony Bini