Magic Mike Review

Magic Mike
Senior Writer
Majella has been part of the scenestr “scene” for over 20 years. She has interviewed some of the biggest names in the music industry but the size of the star doesn’t matter as much as the quality of the conversation.

If you can tear your eyes away from the ridiculously sculpted male bodies for long enough, you might find Magic Mike enjoyable in its own right.

Granted, this film won’t win any awards or change the game, but it isn’t trying to.Channing Tatum stars as Mike, an entrepreneur by day and a male stripper by night. Focused on the end prize (money, success, his own business), Mike juggles day jobs, girls and dance routines until he brings newcomer The Kid (Alex Pettyfer) on the scene. Chaos ensues, The Kid’s sister turns out to be a hottie with her head screwed on and the boys show there is more to male strippers than gyrating and body oil.

In between the dances, there are heartfelt moments and life lessons tucked in and watch for Matthew McConaughey’s mirror tutorial – it’s hilarious!

Magic Mike is in cinemas now.

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