How To Watch The Alternate Cut Of 'Anchorman 2'

Anchorman 2
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

An Australian release date has been confirmed for the alternate cut of 'Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues'.

The new version of the film, which includes 763 new jokes, will arrive on Blu-Ray on April 9. "Never before in the history of home entertainment has anyone replaced 763 jokes," boasts Paramount Home Media Distribution, so you can bet we'll be counting all 763 of them when we get our copy.

It does raise the question of how you define a "joke" — if Paul Rudd makes a funny face that he didn't make before, does that count?

The Blu-Ray will also feature over four hours of bonus content, including gag reels, deleted scenes, behind-the-scene featurettes, cast auditions and more, ensuring that anyone who ever said, "Man, I wish they'd make another Anchorman movie" will be well and truly sated.

"When my editor told me we had a whole different version of the movie that was more than two hours long with nearly 800 new jokes, I was shocked," says writer/director Adam McKay.

(He can't have been THAT shocked, of course, because the same thing happened with the first 'Anchorman' movie.)

'Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues' is the top story in your world on Digital from March 26 and DVD and Blu-Ray from April 9.

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