First Watch: 'Logan Lucky' Channing Tatum's New Movie

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Channing Tatum's new movie is a change of pace for the 'Magic Mike' and '21 Jump Street' star.

Rather than oozing sex on screen, he plays an out-of-work miner who hatches a shambolic plan with his brother ('Girls' Adam Driver) to reverse his family's misfortunes by pulling off a robbery during a NASCAR race in North Carolina.

The film is directed by Steve Soderbergh (the 'Oceans' film franchise) who came out of retirement to direct Channing. The ensemble cast is a cracker lead by a slow-talking Daniel Craig as a redneck demolitions expert (Joe Bang); Katie Holmes, Hillary Swank and Seth MacFarlane also star.

'Logan Lucky' releases in Australian cinemas 17 August, 2017.

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