Entourage Film Review

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

In Hollywood every star likes to live large, and every star needs an entourage.

Adapted from the popular television series 'Entourage' that ran a total of eight seasons and was one the most popular bro-fest series of all time, comes the big screen version. Returning in the roles that made them famous for playing famous people, based on the life of Mark Wahlberg are Adrien Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara, Kevin Dillon and Jeremy Pivon.

The film opens with the boys Eric, Turtle and Johnny 'Drama' Chase on a fast boat to console Vince after his nine-day marriage break up. It just happens to be on a boat full of scantily clad models off the coast of Ibiza that they find him.

For those who have never seen the TV series there is a quick introduction by Piers Morgan to the central characters that introduces the fast-paced life style of Vincent Chase and his entourage of friends. Picking up roughly where the TV series left off Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) has moved on from being an agent and is now the head of an entire studio, which just happens to have the next big blockbuster that Vince has been waiting for. This time around Vince wants to direct the $100 million movie 'Hyde'.

Entourage MovieWhen the film goes over budget Ari is forced to plead, hat in hand, to the films financiers a father and son Texan team of billionaires, Larson Mcreadle and Travis (Billy Bob Thornton and an almost unrecognisable Haley Joel Osment). Before any money gets handed over, Larson wants the sleazy, immature Travis to fly to LA and see what their money is going towards.

All hell breaks loose when Travis starts demanding re-writes and actors be cut from the script, going so far as to lock himself in the editing room, causing all kinds insanity. Ari must use every ounce of his wit (with a great deal of foul language) to regain control of the film and the money before Travis ruins everything.

Entourage FilmWoven into the main story are sub-plots that involve each of the characters. Eric is dealing with the impending birth of his first child with ex-girlfriend Sloane (Emmanuelle Chriqu) and the prospect of trying to bed every gorgeous woman he sees. Self-made millionaire, Turtle is on the hunt for UFC fighter Ronda Rousey, and Vince has his sights set on model Emily Ratajkowski, while Drama is just busy stressing out over auditions and a leaked sex tape making him the laughing-stock of town. Even Ari can’t escape with his constant therapy sessions for anger management and couples therapy.

In the end everything works out and the hard work pays off for the boys with the movie becoming a run-away success. The parties continue, fame finally finds Drama, and Sloane and E work things out right in time for the arrival of the baby.

With more celebrity appearances than any other film (the TV series was also large on the side of cameos) the audience are left constantly pointing out famous faces. Liam Neeson, Calvin Harris, Jessica Alba, Mark Wahlberg, Common, Kelsey Grammer, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson and George Takei are just some of the A-list names among the 42 celebrity appearances.

The film is full of laughs and lightheartedness. Piven and Dillon have expert comedic timing, but (the exceptionally angry) Ari Gold Piven steals the show. The sub-plots keep the film going and Haley Joel Osment, while quite overweight and hardly recognisable from his break-out role in 'The Sixth Sense', plays a rich spoiled brat rather well. The film gels together like it is an extended version of an episode and never takes itself too seriously. Fans of the TV show will delight at the return of the much-loved characters and it will possibly spawn a new generation of fans.

– written by Amanda Starkey

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