Edward Scissorhands Dance Production Set For A Cinematic Release This September

'Edward Scissorhands' – Image © Johan Persson
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Tim Burton’s film about a man with scissors for hands is an iconic story seen by millions. Now, Matthew Bourne and New Adventures presents a magical dance production of ‘Edward Scissorhands’, set for a cinematic release this September.

This version of ‘Edward Scissorhands’ is based of course on the classic film, and features the hauntingly beautiful music of Danny Elfman and Terry Davies. It’s a witty, bittersweet story of an incomplete boy left alone in a strange, new world.

Edward Scissorhands stage 2
Image © Matthew Bourne

The production was filmed in March of this year at Cardiff’s Wales Millennium Centre.

In a castle high on a hill lived Edward – a boy created by an eccentric inventor. When the inventor passes away, Edward is left alone and unfinished. . . With scissors for hands. . . Until a kindly townswoman invites him to live with her suburban family.

Edward goes on a journey to try and find his place in the well-meaning community – a community which struggles to see past his curious appearance, to the innocence and gentleness within.

‘Edward Scissorhands’ screens in select Australian cinemas from 27 September.

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