New Australian horror-thriller, 'Run Rabbit Run' has commenced production this week.
The movie, directed by Daina Reid ('The Handmaid's Tale', 'Young Rock') and starring recent Golden Globe winner Sarah Snook ('Succession'), follows a fertility doctor (Snook) whose beliefs in life and death are severely tested when her young daughter Mia begins to exhibit increasingly strange behaviour.
To be filmed at locations in Victoria and South Australia, Australian actor Damon Herriman ('Once Upon A Time In Hollywood', 'Mr Inbetween') has joined the cast alongside Emmy and SAG-nominated Greta Scacchi ('Looking For Alibrandi') and newcomer Lily LaTorre as Mia.
The cast also includes Trevor Jamieson ('Storm Boy'), Neil Meville ('Five Bedrooms'), Naomi Rukavina ('Pawno'), Georgina Naidu ('SeaChange'), Genevieve Morris ('Bloom'), Katherine Slattery ('Balibo') and newcomer Sunny Whelan.