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Spoiler alert. . . Obviously.
To say this episode is a rollercoaster of emotions would be an understatement – there’s tension, game-playing, tears, someone who never said a word suddenly finding his voice now that the method of gameplay has changed out of his favour. . . Let’s jump in, shall we?
We open with some of the housemates trying to peer pressure Chad into getting into some model poses. He’s a model. Sadly, Chad’s not really into the idea of posing on command, and declines. Wow, that really reeled me in. Can’t wait for this episode.
Dan spirals into a weird post-break-up state, talking about how everything reminds him of Ian, who left the house in the previous eviction. We’re even treated to some piano music and a montage of Ian cleaning the pool, holding a dragonfly, and playing the spoons. Beautiful. Casey tries not to laugh. Same.
Garth is on a high after convincing the house to kick Ian out. Sadly, everyone’s caught on to the fact it was his doing by now, and things seem to have shifted a little. If that wasn’t made obvious by Dan whispering to Casey “it’s all his fault”, it’s made even clearer over the next 20 seconds where we get to watch Garth join the two of them as they all sit together in gloriously uncomfortable silence.
Big Brother gathers the housemates in the living room. He reveals the existence of the bunker, before revealing that one of their own has been there for the last two days.

This is quite literally Kieran’s reaction to Big Brother saying they’ve been there for 17 days. Is he okay?
They all rush out to see who’s come back. It’s, of course, Angela. Zoe feigns excitement, Dan just kind of stands there in shock, and everyone else seems pretty keen to have her back.
Angela does a genuinely brilliant job completely lying about the amount of time she’s spent watching the house from the bunker, and quite frankly deserves an Oscar for the shock on her face when it was revealed to her that Ian was evicted. She definitely wasn’t behind it all.
She lets everyone know she’s impressed that they managed to get rid of someone under the radar. You can practically hear the sweat start to build up on the likes of Xavier.
Unfortunately Angela and Garth decide to hang out for a little bit too long with each other. People are starting to suspect that something’s up.
Meanwhile, BB’s arranged some Italian food with a side of emotions, because they’re all about to receive letters from home.
Great. Cue the tears. I wanted trashy reality I didn’t want to tap into deep feelings here. How long is this going to take?
This goes pretty much how you’d expect. Everyone cries because they miss their families. Duh.
Later, some of Da Boyz meet up in the green room because they’ve all pretty much figured out that Garth was behind Ian’s departure. In the bedroom, Chad is trying to pronounce “southernly”. Cool.
This week’s nomination challenge is yet again completely anxiety-inducing. They have to stack five wooden blocks on a long piece of ribbon, and pull that ribbon all the way from one end of the room toward them.
Zoe has some terrifying energy throughout this entire challenge. I think someone wants this one.

All I’m doing is writing a ‘Big Brother’ recap and yet this stare is making me feel as though I’m doing something illegal. Pls help.
Long, horrid, uncomfortable story (can the next challenge be short, Zoe wins the challenge. She immediately regrets it and doesn’t want to vote anyone out. Sure sure, Zoe. . . Sure, sure.
She nominates Daniel, Shane and Garth, as per a conversation she had with Daniel before. They’re pretty convinced that with everyone realising Garth was behind Ian’s eviction, it should be pretty simple to get him out.
Successfully avoiding nomination from the person who originally sent her home, Angela heads off to have a moment to herself, spasming on the bed in celebration. Thanks for the meme, Angela. I’ll be using that one for many scenarios to come.
Garth’s going around to make sure everyone’s in the frame of mind to vote for Dan. They all seem to be listening and taking on board what he’s saying. Everything seems to be going to plan, ahh, good.
It’s eviction time. Sonia does a high kick to show that her dress is actually pants, which is iconic in itself.

Yaaaaaas queen.
Xavier takes the opportunity in front of the group to use his vocal cords in order to produce noise, something he’s not done as yet. Everyone is considerably shook by this.
He lets everyone know he’s pretty peeved that Garth got away with manipulating the group and “slithering his way” up Ange’s leg. This sudden contribution seems to work. . .
Shane gets legitimately zero votes, Dan gets one vote, and Garth gets twelve.
He doesn’t leave quietly, letting the entire house know that he spent time in the bunker with Angela. Uh-oh!