Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn Film Review @ Brisbane International Film Festival 2021

'Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn'
Lloyd Marken likes to believe everyone has a story and one of the great privileges of his life has been in recent years to tell stories as a freelance writer. He has proudly contributed to scenestr magazine since 2017 and hopes to continue long into the future.

‘Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn’ is a firecracker of a film, a rebellious cry in the face of madness straight out of Romania.

A picture that rails against humanity and its history while clearly retaining some hope that we are capable of seeing reason – otherwise, why make the points this film makes?

Part undergraduate lecture, part experimental theatre and part black comedy, this is well-suited to a late-night screening at the Brisbane International Film Festival in a cinema at the back of the house.

In the classic ‘The Wild One’, Marlon Brando’s character is asked, “What are you rebelling against, Johnny?” Brando replies, “Whaddaya got?” and that seems to be the attitude of director Radu Jude who in every way is going for it in this film.

Opening with a sex scene, teacher Emi Cilibiu (Katia Pascariu) is filmed having sex with her husband. However, when their computer returns from a repair shop the video has gotten loose on the internet, putting her job at risk. The situation raises all kinds of questions about privacy in a digital age and the point of prudence when the internet provides so many diversions.

Yet Radu is only getting started. the first third of the movie observes Emi making her way across town where the camera will turn away and fixate on advertising or an argument in the street. It seems Radu does not have high hopes for humanity, a lot of these interactions are fairly negative and point to historical grievances.

Next up are a series of lecture slides alphabetically listed covering such grievances and the absurdity of human nature, a highlight being what is the first and second most looked up word in online dictionaries. You cannot help but wonder if you are being indoctrinated at this point.

The third part is a showdown between Emi and the parent association of her school. After all the location shooting in the first third, the final one is more like a play, settling down to have Radu debate and make his final points. All three parts of the film are peppered with a dark sense of humour, steeped in observation of human beings.

The very last shot is freeze framed for the credits and couldn’t be more provocative if it wanted to be. 'Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn' ain’t subtle, but there is a kind of thrill in seeing a filmmaker just go for it and get something off their chest.

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